Jun 16, 2010


Friends, get me to Shake Shack for some red meat!

I guess they never let me donate blood, so I should have figured this was coming...

Blood tests came back & I'm mandated to take extra iron every day for the rest of this pregnancy. Awesome. I've heard horror stories. Luckily - so far, so good. In the meantime, Kashi for lunch today. FIBER. 


Jennifer said...

Ahh, the dreaded iron pill. It seems the extra iron helped me keep the restless leg syndrome under control at the end of my pregnancy, so I'm a fan.

I see grey walls and I like. I want to see more!

Jill said...

speaking of shake shack...when does the 86th st location open? it better be before july 1st, that all i gotta say.

ps. for some reason, when i read the title of this post, i thought it said anorexic. i was so proud of you for coming to terms with your condition. lets definitely go to shake shack to celebrate your acceptance, and try and get some meat on your bones.

emily said...

I shared this fate. Not so bad. Beef and broccoli, AND hamburgers often. yum. Plus, it really boosted my energy once I started the iron pills. :)