Jun 13, 2010

Sunday morning.


I made Yogurt Berry Muffins for breakfast this morning, with the goal of making a warm breakfast every Sunday. We both loved them. I won't admit to how many I ate. Saturdays are for the gym, or brunch with friends. Sunday - I like the idea of a special breakfast (especially because we're pretty straight oatmeal or Kashi eaters on weekdays - simple & healthy), even though Mike has to be at church early for meetings. 

I'm listening to Enya on Grooveshark. I forgot how much I love Enya. Reminds me of summers at the lake growing up, playing the piano at my parents house (I was obsessed with playing Enya) or driving with my dad in his fast car on my birthday & eating sandwiches on the top of Mt. Spokane, just the two of us. Good times. 

On that note, I'm wanting to make a lullaby mix for Baby Boy. Enya's Fairytale will be on it, along with Ryan Adams' Dear Chicago. A variety, obviously. Ideas, friends? 

I got yelled at by two strangers yesterday. It actually made me sort of blue for the rest of the day. One man almost hit me with his huge van while I was crossing the street (I had the walk signal). Apparently that was totally my fault & I'm clearly an idiot for walking when the walk sign is solid & white. The second time was a few hours later in Borders, when I was talking to friend Corinne about what books to buy (she's good with books) & a man came up to me & informed me how rude it was to talk on a phone in a bookstore. I wasn't aware that bookstores were libraries, nor do I have a loud voice. Anyway. People should be nice to strangers. I'm just saying. 

Speaking of Borders, the woman checking me out looked at the books I was buying (a few baby related) & said, OH! You're pregnant?! I can't even tell!! Um, yes. Me + my tight tshirt + fully-popped pregnant belly are very much with child. She then asked me what it was & when I said boy she said, Oh. Well. I guess that's okay! People are so strange. To her credit, she gushed for several minutes about how I'll obviously (?) be such an excellent mother & how I had to bring him in after he was born so that she could meet him. Sure, I promise. 

Speaking of being pregnant & strangers, it's sort of a funny experience in New York. Some people smile, some people stare (especially if I'm standing up on the subway & they're trying to determine if I'm worthy of their seat or not). Some people make really strange comments that I need to more fully document. My doormen & workers in my building though - I love them. I really do. They make me feel like a princess. If I'm carrying anything heavier than my purse, our doorman says You're not supposed to be doing that! They always offer help. Our handyman uses the phrase In your condition... EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I see him - & in his Long Island accent which makes it even better. It's seriously  hilarious. You shouldn't be doing that in your condition (really, no matter what it is I'm actually doing)! Or, if talking with him about something stressful, You can't be worrying like this in your condition (like when the cable guy came & punched two holes in my brand new & freshly painted wall - says Bobby, Don't worry about it! I'll come fix it! You can't be dealing with these things in your condition!). My favorite was when I saw him down in the laundry room on Tuesday, just after we'd gotten back from St. Martin. It was mid-morning & I was in PJ bottoms & a tshirt. Bobby asked if I was still on vacation from work, & when I told him that I was a consultant & didn't always work outside of the apartment he said, That's fantastic! Because really, a woman in your condition should be taking it easy. I think according to Bobby, I should be doing nothing but taking naps all day & getting fat from eating bon bons. 

We went to the Big Apple Barbecue Block Party with friends yesterday. My only reasonable documentation is on Kylie's camera, so photos are forthcoming (we went last year, too). It's such a fun event. 

Mike & I watched Fantastic Mr. Fox on Friday night. Mike didn't notice (shh), but I fell asleep for probably at least the last 20 minutes, & since I have no idea how it ended I can't really say if I really loved it or not. But I'm a Wes Anderson fan, & I liked what I saw. 

Baby Boy is moving like crazy right now (he's a morning & a late night person) & my stomach is moving all over the place. Such a crazy thing to watch.

I'll be in Washington in a week & a half. I'm really excited, except I'm already dreading the fight. 7 hours on an airplane = not comfortable. Speaking of comfortable, my body pillow is coming with me. The pillow substitutes at our hotel in St. Martin didn't suffice, nor do I suppose the ones in the cabin would either. It's just not the same, & it's comfortable enough that Mike has started trying to steal it in the middle of the night. I woke up Friday night with him trying to wrap his body around MY PREGNANCY BODY PILLOW (that I was very much using in that moment). It was really kind of hilarious, but there's no way I'm sharing. Maybe I'll buy him his own for Father's Day.


Kelsey said...

WOW! Making a "from-scratch" breakfast and blogging before church on a Sunday is very impressive to me. Those muffins look delicious! Dying to come see the apartment and kitchen where they were baked.

Heidi said...

Favorite lullaby:


Baby Mine from that cd is also so perfect.

jocelyn said...

the borders worker is hilarious. like you guys are bff and she can't wait to meet your baby! strangers say the most awkward things to pregnant people. a man in the airport once asked me when i was going to "hatch". i wanted to hurt him. people in san francisco would always say, "you're so young to be having a baby". um, just because i'm not waiting until i'm in my late thirties (like a lot of women in san francisco do) does not make me "so young". then once you have a baby people say even more weird things. maybe i'm rude, but i just prefer strangers not talk to me. i dislike chit chat.

jocelyn said...

oh wait, just thought of another. when i was seriously 38 weeks pregnant and buying a NURSING BRA the girl checking me did the whole "i didn't even know you were pregnant" routine. it was so strange. i was a.)huge and b.)buying a freaking nursing bra!

Jill said...

i like jocelyn. she is funny. and a baby mix.....ill have to brainstorm. i have a few of the rockabye baby cd's. i love them. coldplay has a good mix, and the beatles ones are good too. there are a ton.

Louise said...

Baby Mine by Alison Kraus is a favourite of mine - although those first few days when my feelings were so tender, it made me an absolute wreck!!! haha! I just checked a playlist I made for Adelaide when she was tiny, some of my picks include:

Make you feel my love - Adele
Feels like Home - Chantal Kreviaszuk
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
Free Fallin' - John Mayer
His Eye is on the Sparrow - Lauryn Hill
(I am not known among my friends for my musical choices - the exact opposite! - so I will not be offended if you do not like/use my suggestions!!)

And - I love Bobby! He sounds like the perfect person to have around.

I also need to try your blueberry muffin recipe!!

So happy you are back!

Missy said...

Um, these muffins look delicious. I must make them this upcoming Sunday. I like having bigger breakfasts (and dinners!) on Sunday's too.

I'm laughing at Mike stealing your pregnancy pillow. How do you pack that? Is it big? I've never had one, but still makes me laugh..