Jul 6, 2010


Love this little girl.

She helped me pick out some baby clothes for Baby Boy the other day (after convincing her that he loves blue more than pink), & loves to remind me that she used to be Baby Girl when she was in her mama's tummy.

I can bribe her to take photos with orange Mambas. She doesn't love the yellow ones as much.

It's fun to spend time with all 15 (!!) of my nieces & nephews. All so different, but my siblings - they are all good parents. That's really nice. 

1 comment:

Louise said...

This comment covers all your posts from today! I love them all!! Wonderful pictures, and showing Mike how to use your camera has clearly paid off because the ones he took are really good too. Loved the one of the rainbow - is it strange that Northern Idaho reminds me of the highlands of Scotland?!

You and your sisters are beautiful.

Your bump is not huge at all - you are still so compact.

And for reading about being a mama - read the conference issue of the Ensign (April 2010). I cannot tell you how much inspiration there is in there for mothers - it is amazing!

SO happy you are having so much fun! I loved reading through your trip.