Jul 6, 2010


Snapshots. Because the idea of keeping up with 2+ weeks of Priest Lake photos is not only daunting, but impossible.

We had a decent amount of rain last week - which called for lots of sweatshirts, sleeping in, hot chocolate & just a tiny bit of cabin fever. But today, the sun came out! And it's going to be beautiful all week long, which is perfect for my last week + friend Erin's visit.

And - rain often results in rainbows. That was a fun sighting.

(Mike flew back to New York yesterday. It's funny to me that he is likely sound asleep in our 33rd floor apartment, & I just saw a mama moose with a baby moose walk right passed by my window. Northern Idaho is not New York City, but oh how I love both.)

First day of rain.

4 Hudson sister's at Paige's "congrats, you're marrying our brother!" brunch at Elkin's. The photo that actually included all the Hudson girls (including my mother, Kera & Paige - Erin was in the middle of surgery) is sadly overexposed & icky. Giving strangers my camera is often risky.

Harrison (Mike's photo).

Yogurt Huckleberry Muffins. I've made them twice so far.


Mike + beard (which I wish he'd keep forever, I think).


The rain came while we were out on the boat, so we ran inside of Elkin's for nachos + huckleberry lemonades. And then - rainbow!

Brother Patrick + his family.

Commonly referred to as the girls. Avery, Quincy, Lexi & Riley.

Cameron learning how to kayak.

A new tradition from our neighbors of planting sugar on the 4th of July. Look what grew overnight! The kids loved it.

1 comment:

noelle said...

the kayak picture. i love it so much. and you and your sisters are so, so cute. how fun!!