Aug 12, 2010

Citi Field.

On day Baby in 46 Days (+/-) we went to a Mets game. We ate mini pulled pork sandwiches from Blue Smoke (love the food at Citi Field), chatted with friends, & almost entirely ignored most of the game (I'm speaking only for myself here, of course) - although I did stand for the 7th Inning Stretch.

(Random, but I still haven't been to the new Yankee Stadium. Maybe next year. We're sort of baseball agnostic, anyway.)

The Mets lost. What a shame. But the weather was great, & it didn't rain!


ellen said...

Baseball games = people watching

Lindsey said...

I love baseball games. great place to socialize + the atmosphere is the best. :)

Jennifer said...

Going to AT&T park is one of my favorite things to do ever. And I'm usually mostly excited about the food :)

Missy said...

it's one of the only times (besides when I am pregnant) that I really like hot dogs (?!) baseball games are a good time..