Aug 31, 2010

From the weekend.


His & hers.


In two days we tried raspberry yogurt & pistachio. And chocolate, too. And another chocolate concoction that I can't spell that was amazing & might be my post-appointment treat tomorrow.

Southwest corner of Central Park (one of my favorite bridges Saturday afternoon.

He carries my bag when it's heavy (or sometimes when it's not), & like to whistle in photos. 

I shouldn't wear this shirt again while pregnant (it was recently purchased from Urban Outfitters for post-maternity use; apparently massive & tenty is in?! It's not doing me any favors, oops).


Jill said...

I would kill for a caramel macaroon right about now. YUM. Your Dr. is in a great location!

You look amazing, 37 weeks! you could always try a belt over your striped shirt.

I forget, did your Mom/Sister go early? late?

Julie said...

Cute belly and cute shoes!

Missy said...

I think you look perfectly 37 weeks. Not a tent at all, totally stylish.

Did you get a haircut? (don't tell me those are the same nails...)

I have never (still) had a macaroon. A must now that I read this post.

k. said...

Jill, caramel? Never tried that one. I'll try it today after my appointment. :)

Missy - I love you. :) Haircut, yes. I was far over due. Nails... A week an a half old??

k. said...

Oh. And Jill. Sadly, nothing to really report in terms of hereditary based predictions. On time or a few days early, I think. Elizabeth had her babies both around 32 weeks but she's an outlier. :)

Lindsey said...

You look so cute, Kathryn. I can't believe how close you are!

Now i want a macaroon.

erin said...

great hair. i like the shirt. why are you returning the costume?? you've got to dress him up in what you want while you can. you've only got one good year or so until he asks to be a tiger or spiderman.

Lula. said...

I can't believe how close you are!!!

And you look darling pregnant. The shirt is darling on you, too.