Aug 25, 2010

Mike is traveling.

So I'm practicing with Stroller #2 which just arrived (fully assembled, thankfully). 

That's a bear that I gave Mike when we were dating. I made a wish on a heart that we'd get married someday & then sealed it up inside with his stuffing. I tried to use Donkey first, but he's too little for the umbrella stroller.


Becky said...

So cute! Practice makes perfect. :) You'll love that stroller.

Bri said...

Ok, that bear story? The cutest thing I've ever heard! When did you tell Mike about the heart tucked inside there?

k. said...

Oh gosh Bri, it was a while. I don't think we got engaged for almost another year (we dated for 2), & it wasn't until then, AT LEAST. I would have been too mortified to tell him. I think we'd only been dating for like 6 or 7 months (on & off for the first several) at that point, & that was just way too fast.

But. My wish totally worked. I'm a huge fan of Build A Bear now.


Jill said...

darling story K. and the stroller looks great!

Jan said...

I love the stroller - Just love it!