Aug 5, 2010


I'm not a red person. It doesn't always suit me, even though it more or less matches my personality (I'm an even split between red / blue, actually). I think the only red things I own are one red dress & a berry-colored sweatshirt, although I suppose that I do like having red nails or red toes on occasion.

I've officially added red shoes to this list. A bright pop of color is sometimes just perfect & these Keds remind me of what my older sisters used to wear with their banana clips & perms! I especially love that they don't have laces (as I get less & less bendy).

They're comfortable, too.

Shop: Gap.


Jennifer said...

My grandma wore white keds everyday of her life. Stark white--she was a little OCD. I saw these last week in the store and lost it.

Meg said...

Hello, 4th grade. I missed you. (I actually bought a pair of bright green keds at Wal-mart a few weeks ago and my hubs has been making fun of me non stop. Now I get to show him that I'm actually semi fashionable.)