Sep 2, 2010


I decided to make a real breakfast this morning instead of our quick & usual routine of cereal, oatmeal or yogurt. Steel cut oats, with dried apricots & cranberries. Nothing fancy, but something different (& deep down, I'm sure I'm trying very hard to be like my own mother, who more often than not made a hot breakfast for us every morning, before 6am seminary). I was trying to mimic the overnight oatmeal we did at Priest Lake one morning this summer, & while these weren't quite as good, they came pretty close (& had quite a bit less of the guilt factor with the unfortunate absence of cream & butter, sigh). Delicious. And really - quite appropriate for fall (it's already September?!), but since we're in our third day in a row of mid-90's heat during the hottest summer on record, it's not really feeling much like autumn in New York. I'm trying.


Lula. said...

I firmly believe that steel-cut is the only way to go. I love that "pop". That looks delicious.

Jan said...

Oh yum!