Sep 27, 2010

Day 4.


mb said...

love all of your posts! Such an exciting time! Not that I really know what you are going through but it sure seems exciting!

Jan said...

Look back at day one - He really has grown! I love your little man!!!

Kera said...

wow. he has changed so much so fast. just stay tiny for 3 more weeks!

Meg said...

best. photography. subject. ever.

Emily Kate said...

You don't know me- just a blog reader (and former NYer so we have some mutual friends.) But I wanted to tell you congratulations! He is darling. And I can't get over all of your stunning photos. My delivery room had no windows and the lights were very dim and the recovery room was poorly lit as well and I would kill to have had the gorgeous photos you have of the experience! Thanks for sharing with us.

erin said...

favorite pictures to date, for sure. that pouty lips is killer.