Sep 27, 2010

We took Quinn home on a Saturday.

Saturday was discharge day. They let us take Quinn home!

Mike took some photos & video in the morning when he arrived. I really love the photo of the empty car seat in front of the hospital entrance. It's so tiny. Quinn is so tiny! He felt extra-small leaving the hospital (especially since his weight had dropped to 6 pounds!).

Tim & Amy visited in the morning. Amy & I have gone through our pregnancies together, & oh how grateful I am for her! Such a good friend, & so wonderful to have someone in my exact same shoes in that very moment, every step of the way. It was a teensy bit strange to see her there pregnant, & me holding a baby in my arms, not only because it was hard to imagine a Quinn folded up in her stomach, but also because we always thought that she would deliver first. That being said, her turn came one week after Q was born, & Baby Eli is a gem.

My favorite nurse GiGi taught us how to give Q a sponge bath, took us through a bunch of paperwork, made sure Q was in his carseat safely (he was swimming in it, even with the infant insert) & led us out the door. Alone. With no other adult supervision.


Our cab driver did not share my sense of humor. When he pulled over & hopped out to help us with all of our stuff I said You're a good driver, right??! He took my question very literally & stumbled over his words nervously when he said Generally, yes, I try very hard to be. I told him that didn't really make me feel any better. That being said, he was obviously driving quite cautiously all the way back to our apartment. I appreciated that.

When we got home, our apartment was bright & filled with light. It was a beautiful day. I took these photos. Then the three of us sat on the couch & I saw our reflection in the TV. Three of us. For 5 1/2 years, I've only seen two of us looking back. I showed Mike what I was looking at, & I think we both felt perfectly warm & fuzzy about our new view.


Amy + Baby Eli in utero + Baby Q


Louise said...

Such great photos - I love that Mike took the photo of the car eat utsid the hospital before he came to get you.

Oh that first car journey with them - so nerve-wracking! And your line about coming hom alone with him with no adult supervision made me smile - I felt the same way with Adelaide!!

Missy said...

It is a surreal feeling to leave the hospital with that first baby, suddenly parents. And then to come home and just have it quiet, baby outside the womb and just sitting there. It made me remember getting home with Avery!

They are so tiny in those carseats. So tiny...

ellen said...

I love your photos and how you've documented everything. Congrats!!