Sep 22, 2010

Donkey & Quinn's first introduction.

Remember Donkey? Yeah, they're basically the same size (Q's first pediatrician appointment was yesterday, & he's officially on the charts hovering around 15% in al categories!).


Erin said...

I can't believe they are the same size. Newborns are SOO tiny. Enjoy every second because they are big in like 2 seconds flat! I miss my newborns! :)

Missy said...

This makes me want a newborn tomorrow. So, so tiny. I love it.

And I can not believe how blonde he is!

Loving all the photos of baby Q (and that you call him Q).

Jill said...

donkey was a good choice!

mb said...


Jill said...

i love seeing his eyes and hair. so sweet. i also love your striped sheets!

Tara Edwards said...

I love that his legs are basically the same size as donkey's but that donkey's middle is bigger around. I'm glad they are friends. They are both precious.

Lauren said...

This is a great pictures! He is soo adorable.

Sine family said...

Such a great picture. I can't wait to see a picture of him in a year next to that donkey because he will be so much longer then donkey maybe even chewing on donkey. :)