Sep 28, 2010

The Making of Q (G Rated Version)

*Filmed and edited entirely on the iPhone 4. Apple Inc, please make royalty checks payable to "J. Michael Whiting"


dad said...

Sundance Film Festival quality.

Kelsey said...

This should be the next iPhone commercial. This is fantastic.

erin said...

how apropos that vw accompany your clips; q heard them, wanted more and decided to join the party. bravo.

Jill said...

love that video! and the song. nice work, mike.

k. said...

M, I love this. I really do.

And how nice of Q to wait until the concert was over to start the process of his debut. He's so polite.

(6 hours after getting home I went into labor. What?!)

I love that he has a song.

[eeny] said...

Oh this is so adorable.
And little Q is so cute.

Jennifer said...

Good stuff. 2:58 was my favorite my part.

Louise said...

This is brilliant!! I love the dancing nurse, Mike's facial expressions, and the two of you in the lift taking videos and photos.

You two are very trendy parents - Quinn is in for so much fun!

Love the song too - what is it called?

Bri said...

This is great. I like the pics of Mike on the bus + empty car seat.
And Quinn screaming and kicking his little legs! I die.

k. said...

Louise, the dancing nurse was actually our doctor. :) She was hilarious (& was doing an impression of one of the other doctor's in the practice who she has nicknamed Kelly Ripa!).

The song is Taxi Cab - Vampire Weekend.

Missy said...

Love that VW is singing.

1:38 is my fav.

Well done Mike!

Q is adorable. Those tiny aqua pants are cute too (but not as cute as Q)

Jill said...

I know I'm getting ahead of myself but this made me very excited to see Quinn grow up through your eyes, Mike.

LOVE this video.

Meg said...

So lovely! Well done, Mike!