Sep 29, 2010

Out & About.

I woke up feeling almost rested (!) this morning. Quinn is a very good sleeper at night. I appreciate that. 

Today - he decided he didn't want to sleep during the day. At all. Babies need sleep, sleepy parents need babies to sleep, & Q was clearly lacking, so we finally packed up the stroller & out we went. The stroller is like extra strength Benadryl for this kid. He loves his stroller, which means that he's typically asleep 14 seconds after it starts moving. Anyway. We went to friend Suzi's, a quick errand at our church building, to Shake Shack for dinner, to Central Park & the Great Lawn, past The Met, & then back home. Q slept the entire time, which made for happy parents (although we would have been happier if he had decided to take his four hour nap while we could sleep, too). Plus, it was just lovely to spend time wandering with Mike. I love him not working this week (& kind of don't want to think about next week), & love that he has made time to do things like make really amazing videos. Seriously. How cool was that? I love my husband, & someday I need to document his incredible swaddling + burping skills. He's a natural dad & seriously - way, way better about getting a nice burp out of Q than I am, or making sure his swaddle is good enough to prevent Quinn's arms from wiggling up to his face in the middle of the night. I'm still working on both.

Anyway. We've been getting out a bit more, & that feels nice.

And - every time I go outside with Quinn, I feel stronger & more capable & more confident about this mothering business. 

Yesterday, Quinn & I had our first trip out together with the Baby Bjorn. So liberating, especially after being either in a hospital room or my apartment for the past 2 weeks (with a few walks here & there). He weighs far less than my average handbag (+ camera, etc), & it was easy. We went to Gap (new sweats!), the post office (stamps for lots of thank you cards) & Pinkberry (because I needed a smoothie - I've had a pathetic appetite the past week which doesn't bode well for nursing). He slept the entire time.

I can do this. 


Missy said...

I love the Bjorn. And he must be teensy in it so totally doable taking him around the city.

Oh he is so tiny, I love the bottom middle one. It's like I can smell the baby breath right now:)

Unknown said...

It's fun to see his eyes open.
Do you love the bouncer? If he'll nap in the stroller I wonder if he would fall asleep to a rocking bouncer at home??

Tara Edwards said...

Of course you can! I never doubted that. You just have to figure out what makes him tick. And then, when you have it all figured out, he'll add something new to the mix! Can't wait to come take walks with him! You can just stay home and nap.

Heidi said...

The Bjorn is my favorite. So nice to not have to deal with a stroller and still have your arms be free and just go places with your little one so close.

I think after each baby you gain, little by little, that confidence of "I can do this". It's a good feeling

Jan said...

You said it well - the Bjorn IS liberating. I always loved how it felt to pack my babies on my chest...It was easy and comfortable - especially when they were small. Also a lot less cumbersome than taking out the buggy.
Just pack and go!