Sep 12, 2010

Next to Normal.

We know that life doesn't end after Baby Boy. But picking up & going to a Broadway show on a Friday night will get exponentially more complicated (breastfeeding) & expensive (babysitting). So we took advantage Friday night & made it down to Times Square to see Next to Normal. Do you see what I'm wearing? Jeans! And a long sleeved shirt! It was almost chilly, & I loved it. The show, too. We both loved it (which is saying a lot, given Mike's general aversion to Broadway & the expense of going - although as we've done a better job strategically selecting shows for him, the more he's grown to appreciate / enjoy it more). It was contemporary, the set & cast were both simple, the music was fantastic & the storyline was fascinating, if only a bit heavy. 

My good friends will abstain from mentioning that my massive pregnant boobs are now comfortably resting on my belly. Please make them go away. I hate them.

Baby Boy loved the music so much that it felt like he was trying to break out of my belly the entire time, which meant that I was in a panic that he would literally be born on Broadway, on the subway, or in a taxi on the eve of a little party my friends had worked so hard to plan for me. It would make a good story, but the germs (among many, many other things)!! I'd prefer the comfort & safety of Roosevelt. Anyway. It turns out that some of the tight feelings I've been having for the past oh, several weeks I think, are actually contractions (so says the hospital, where we had a little date night post BYU football-watching with friends last night) - but not strong enough to get this guy out yet. My body is still doing a great job getting ready & I've got a solid 15 days to go. By the way, if you're not friends with Mike on Facebook, you probably should be. He's really funny, & clever, & smart, & sometimes, I just can't believe the things that he publishes on THE INTERNET. My  sweet husband has essentially given a play-by-play of the happenings of my vagina & cervix to his close little group of FB friends, & as personal & invasive as this likely is, it's actually really kind of funny, so whatever. I kind of laughed & yelped at the same time when I read his last status update. I just wish I'd catch him doing it live, instead of 4 hours later when it's too late for any edits! Oh well. This week - I'll get to endure my third pelvic exam in a 9 day period (yippee), & do my best to walk this baby out sooner rather than later. 

Any time would be just fine though, really. Lots of people (mothers & husbands in particular) would understandably love to have more definite information. There are other things going on in the world besides me having a baby, & they're all important! I wish I could schedule him. I do! Except I don't want to be induced (nor would my doctor intervene unless I went overdue), & beyond that - I have no prior experience, no magic ball, & no ability to control anything at all, unless I decide to hang upside down from my ceiling to try to prevent him from coming if his preference proves to be early. My baby will come early, or he will come on time, or he will come late - likely no matter what I do, so that's that. Until then, life moves on, & I'm checking lots of things off of the list. I successfully made it through yesterday - & the happiest NYC baby shower I could have ever hoped for with my truly lovely, lovely friends - so I'll take any day at this point. In the meantime, I'll happy to appreciate the time to get ready & the opportunity to do simple & fun things with Mike & friends.

Oh yeah. Broadway. Loved it! And I'm obsessed with shooting in black & white lately. 


Jennifer said...

Good post. So glad your shower happened as planned--only sorry I wasn't there!

I saw Mike's FB post via your wall. Whoa. But so glad things are "moving" right along.

Erin said...

How fun! I am loving these black and whites, especially the top one. Great shot!

Hope your feeling good, and am excited to see pics of the shower. :)

Jill said...

i love plays. glad you were able to go to one before he comes! fun.

Meg said...

Fitting title! The b&w pics make it look so dramatic... Perfect for broadway.

Can't you just send BB an invite to your google cal to tell him when to show up?

Missy said...

I love these pictures, cutest jeans, love the boobs on the belly (better than the boobs on the post-baby belly;)

you guys look happy and in love and so close to adding the most perfect addition to m+k.

can I add mike as a friend?? maybe this will make me check into FB, are you dilating more??

Unknown said...

Now I really want to see this show! I miss musicals.

I think you have the perfect bangs in these photos. And I cannot believe you're making it look so easy on your final stretch.

I think all of your walking is going to pay off and I say by the evening of your next dr's appointment (end of the week?) you'll be in full blown labor. Baby boy on 9-17.

Sine family said...

You look great especailly since you are almost done.

I saw Next to Normal before we left the city and HEAVY is definitely the right word to describe it.

I'm guessing the baby will come 9/19/ at 9:30am.

Tara Edwards said...

Take your time my cute pregnant sister. He's still baking in there after all! But if you could just narrow down the dates... ;)

Mindy said...
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Mindy said...

I hate that my scheduled wouldn't align with your so we could see Next to Normal together. It's even at the "Booth" theater!! Ugh. I am glad you got to go and glad you enjoyed it. I think I just need to get there before October 2...

A Sunday Kind Of Love said...

Hello! I don't know you, but I came across your blog recently and I am SMITTEN!
I just wanted to say "Hi!" in case you were wondering who was that creeper in Switzerland reading your blog like a maniac :)
by the way this blog is SO lovely and is actually making me excited to move back home and work in the city! (and you are giving me massive shake shack cravings...)