Sep 16, 2010

On the 269th day of this pregnancy, we saw Vampire Weekend.

I'm pretty sure I was the only 9+ months pregnant woman there (I wore distressed jeans to try to blend - it didn't work). I got a lot of comments & a lot of looks. The female security guard on the way out actually LAUGHED at me. Unabashedly looked at me, looked at my belly, & full on laughed. I said, Hey! That's mean!! & she responded with It's cute!! Thanks. I felt ridiculous, but sort of proud, actually.

Such a great concert. Beach House & the Dum Dum Girls opened. We had so much fun together, & I was happy. I thought maybe my baby shower was the the last "event". And then I thought maybe it would be Martha. And then maybe Vampire Weekend. We're more or less out of events (with the exception of a few dinner / brunch reservations & scattered plans with friends), & I checked them all off the list. We can have a baby now.

I always love the lights at concerts. And the fact that we had seats was amazing (& necessary). Baby Boy loved the concert & danced away.

Mike & I were talking about how far away last March feels, when he bought these tickets. Has this pregnancy gone by quickly? No way. I feel like I've been pregnant for my entire life. But all of the things that we've done?! We have a long, wonderful list & that feels nice.


Jennifer said...

So glad you did this! And that you made it! I saw Snow Patrol with only days to go with Lilly--I wasn't going to miss it. I was HUGE and got lots of lovely looks. But, I'm glad I did it.

These are fun B&W's.

erin said...

i think he read this post, saw that you've finished your list and decided to come.

Missy said...

Now I am SO glad you got to see it. That last photo in bw is beautiful. And I love that VW kicked BB into gear.

(Too many acronyms? sorry)

janis said...

that is incredibly awesome! i want to go to rad concerts when i'm 9 months pregnant! :)

Tara Edwards said...

Amazing. You should send the band your pictures :) They could use them in their next album cover!

Unknown said...

The reflection picture is fun. And concerts- I need to put that on my list of things to do more often. I'm glad you got that very last 2 person date last minute.

When Brad and I went to Weezer when I was very pregnant with Finn, the lady guard frisked me to make sure I wasn't hiding anything. I felt violated. But I remember how much I hated those looks and laughs too. It's just not fair.