Sep 30, 2010


Did I mention that it's been pouring rain ALL. DAY. LONG. & that basically the entire east coast is flooding?


Plans to drive north have been scrapped & we're catching up on The Daily Show & projects around the apartment instead. We'll get in a car on Saturday when the sun decides to come back out.

(I even put on real pants today. Such a waste.)

And napping. All three of us are taking a lot of naps. Quinn is also working on getting chubby. Seriously, he's probably almost 7 lbs (!!). I feel squish on his arms now.


Jan said...

Man, are you feeding him pure cream? He's just so darn handsome...and so fluffy!

Jill said...

7 lbs. What a giant! :) That smile... goo.

Erin said...

It looks like he has your dimple, and thats about the cutest thing I have ever seen...

noelle said...

i love him. that dimple... please. most adorable thing ever. and i want all the "kind of the same, but different" pics of q from various angles. i truly do.

lynn said...

Congratulations to both of you!! Didn't know, he is so beautiful and you too. Loved Mike's video.


Jeanne said...

What a great smile! Happiness!!