Sep 30, 2010

Kind of the same, but different.

I'll probably turn into one of those moms that takes 25 photos that are all slightly different & then posts them all, thinking how unique & perfect they are. And then everyone will make fun of me. Oh wait. I've already done that. 

Tara called the other day & told me that two photos were the same in one of my first posts of Q. I responded with No, they're different! Look at his leg! It moved. It's showing progression! See!

(She wasn't being critical, just making an observation.)

These are kind of like these. But cuter (& taken with my iPhone). 

His hands are always on his face. I sleep the same way.

Speaking of sleep, I just woke up from an almost-3-hour nap with both Mike & Quinn (Q was in his bassinet). I think family napping is my new favorite activity. 

1 comment:

Tara Edwards said...

I love every picture of him. Even if the only difference is the slight movement of a tiny hair on his head. Maybe what you should do is make some black and white, or sepia, or filtered with a color... :)