Sep 10, 2010

Raise your hand if you love Mindy Booth.

Approximately 1,448 people on Facebook would raise their hands (I just checked). I bet she knows all of those people, too.

See, Mindy is one of those people that EVERYONE loves. Everyone who meets her, across the social spectrum. It's kind of amazing, but not really at all surprising if you know her like I'm lucky enough to.

She's one of my favorite people in the universe, & I could give you an alphabetized list as to why (starting with amazing / articulate, beautiful / brilliant, & clever / Christ-like. See, I even have to double up on letters). She also makes really yummy chocolate chip cookies.

She's leaving New York at the end of September. This makes me terribly sad (while still maintaining excitement for her new opportunities & future).

Side note: why do people do this to me?!

I took her photos in the city that she has called home for the last 6+ years. New York will always love you, Mindy - & you'll always, always have family here to come visit.


di said...

Oh I love these photos! On to new adventures Miss Mindy - Cheers to you!! xo

Mary Elizabeth Liberty said...

Indeed. Love MIndy, I wish her the best (out west?) and please let me know if there's a going away shindig for her...

Mindy said...

Kathryn, you are a doll. What a kind and very unexpected mini-tribute! I spent a few moments fighting tears, thinking of your kindness and the friends I'll be leaving in NYC. These photos are amazing and will help me remember the City always. So, THANKS.

(And Di & Mary, there will be a farewell shin-dig before I depart for Utah. Watch your email! xoxo)

Sine family said...

What a great tribute to Mindy. Love her. Great pictures.