Sep 10, 2010

There's this funny tight feeling starting to grow in my chest.

(On a more care free day)

I think they call it panic.

Should we place bets on when this boy is showing up? My guess: September 17th (if not sooner), which saddens me because we have reservations for Norma's on the 18th. Then again, watch me just eat my words & finally get induced at 42 weeks. How come you can't schedule babies? I'll send him a meeting request! I love having an organized calendar. 

(I'm officially due September 26th)

Your guesses? Date + weight? The winner gets something really great! Like good karma. Or the personal satisfaction of being a fortune teller.


Jill said...

6lb 14oz

i think if i get that right, i get to name him. just sayin'.

hey, where is the picture of mike forming a heart with his hands on your belly?

Erin said...

I am LOVING all your maternity shots. And the shirt? So NOT a mistake! I totally thought, "She looks so darling in that perfect simple outfit!" when I saw them. And I especially love the backdrop of that greenish door below!

Anyhow, crazy that the baby is coming so soon. I'm so excited for you. The first is just SO amazing!! I am guessing that he is going to come late, first babies always do, even though they tell you they are going to come any day... lol. Plus, if you count on that, you will be super happy if he makes an early appearance! At least that's how I was... Maybe in your case he really will come early since you have so much scheduled already. They NEVER do what you want! lol. Good luck with everything, and enjoy every second until he arrives! Obviously. :)

Louise said...

LOL re: the meeting request!! I think he will be October 2nd, 7lbs 13ozs. Not that I want you to go over your due date, by the way. But I and all of my friends have been overdue with our first!

ps. please eat Eggs Benedict for me at Normas!! ;o)

ellen said...

I say 9/20 and 8 1/2 pounds. :)

Unknown said...

How were your stats your last appointment (to share?)? I love that stuff.. and I think that will help with arrival guesses.

It seems like every friend I know gets lucky with these small little babies. So, I'm guessing 7 lbs 7 oz. 20".

k. said...

Lots of progress, Kelli. :)

Lindsay said...

I love your portraits! Where do you find the backgrounds! They are great!

Kelsey said...

Lovely post and lovely pictures.

Baby Boy Whiting
September 15th
6 lbs. 11 oz.

I'm starting to get impatient.

Groshon said...

I hope you don't have to wait too much longer! My first was early so don't listen when everyone says that firsts are always late!

Technically I am due 16 days after you so if you go early I think I will go into nesting panic mode, lol! Right now I am still feeling like I have plenty of time!

Can't wait to see pics of your cute bundle!

I'll say September 21st
7 lbs. 6 oz.

Kera said...

sept 14th. 7 lbs. 1 oz.

emily said...

You are such a cute pregnant girl and I love the pictures! I'm guessing 9.16.10 and 7 lbs 11 oz.

Also, I must ask....where can I find the shoes that you're wearing? I think I am in love.

Katherine said...

I say 9.19.10 8lb 2oz

Suzi said...

9.12.10 6lbs 7oz. Can't wait!

Jennifer said...

You guys are cute. All of you.

I say 9/26.

k. said...

Emily, shoes are from Anthropologie this fall. :)

Meg said...

Had to zoom in to be sure... You're wearing heels! Mad credit to you. You're the cutest lil pregnant lady ever.

9.29.10, 8lb8oz.

Bri said...

Sept. 19
7 lbs. 6 oz.

FYI: I'm currently 2 for 2 when guessing baby birthdays and weights. Just sayin.

I'm sort of coveting those shoes myself. So, so cute.

Missy said...

I will keep with my original guess, though I really don't think you will quite make it if you are already past what you were:

9/19 1:26 am.

erin said...

Everytime my phone buzzes or rings my heart jumps cos I think it could be the triumphant arrival of b-dub. You're gonna call me on the way to the hospital, right? Cos you don't have enough people to notify.

So let's see...

September 20, 2010
7lbs 13oz
20 inches

(when's vampire weekend, again?)

Morgan said...

I love these pictures so much. You'll treasure these forever, I'm sure. You look gorgeous, and I definitely don't think that the shirt was a mistake. Everything about the pictures is perfect.

My guesses: September 19th (just because it's my birthday:). 7 lbs. 8 oz.