Oct 16, 2010

City Baby.

Quinn's head looks sort of gigantic, & the city looks kind of fake, but I really love this photo that Mike took this morning with his iPhone.

(Tara + Patrick & Kera are here this weekend. Two of my siblings (!) + my sister in law. Love it. We're having a blast & eating way too much food. Tara is the baby whisperer. Quinn is getting lots & lots of attention, & being a good sport with the Baby Bjorn. He's slept through lots of fun things. More soon.)


Jeanne said...

It looks like visions of New York dancing in his head! Love this city baby. And he looks so handsome in brown in the pictures below. He's almost up to Mike's birth weight! Just 3 more ounces to go! Sorry you're having trouble and wish you speedy recovery. Sorry I'm too sick to come in today - have a great time with your family.

Missy said...

um, love the iPhone for this! the city does look fake, but I love that his cheek is chunky.