Yesterday, I took at shower at 9:30. In the evening. It was that kind of day.
This was after Quinn got his thrush diagnosis (which of course he gave to me - thank you very much, sir) & I got the diagnosis of a circulatory disorder which manifests itself acutely IN. MY. NIPPLES. You know, just for good measure on top of thrush, in case that wasn't enough fun.
Did you know that there are doctors just for boobs? There are. And if you pay them enough money, in cash, they'll come to your home! Gulp.
Yes, breastfeeding has been pretty awesome (painful.) for the last month. Fingers crossed that the 6 (!!) medications I picked up at the pharmacy last night work their magic, & quickly.
In the meantime, Q learned how to have dinner with his dad (courtesy of his mama still). He took to the bottle quite easily, & hasn't had any issues since (we're going halvies when he's home to give my body a break every few hours). Phew. That in & of itself has been a huge blessing, & when I say blessing I mean it, because there have been many Heaven-sent requests on behalf of my boobs. So even if a pump makes me feel like a cow, I'll take it.
Q of course hasn't suffered from any of this business, & as of yesterday is a healthy 8 pounds, 8 ounces now. At least he's enjoying it.
Oh, & did I mention that someone hacked into my gmail account, hacked into my blogger account & left me a nice little anonymous letter (after DELETING one of my posts)? They did, & I think that they forgot about the fact that it's actually illegal to do that (not to mention the fact that it's incredibly creepy, & that IP addresses are wonderful things). Yeah. Awesome.
(I hate private blogs. I really do. They don't show up on my reader, I forget to check them, I have to sign in, etc. - it's just a hassle. But I am THIS. CLOSE. to shutting this business down to outsiders, people. The internet is a big, bad, scary place to be sharing all of my personal feelings & precious family moments. Sigh.)

what?! someone hacked into your account? i need to hear more... crazy! i went bottle-fed too. and oliver + i had thrush and it was MISERABLE. especially, because i had no idea what it was until it was full blown. ugh. it's like starting breastfeeding all over again (the pain, but even worse).
are you kidding me? what did the message say?! and which post did they delete? interesting.
sorry about your boobs. i hope they feel better soon.
um what?! Do you know this person? What did they have to say?
Crazy, Crazy, Crazy. How the heck would they figure out your password...?
i'm guessing the hacker was the plagiarizer?
So interested in this hacker.. because it sounds like they were on a mission (deleting and letter writing). Yuck. What are you going to do?
Yes, I KNOW all the ways breastfeeding could go wrong (even after a good long fight). It's hard, hard, hard when it just doesn't work like it should. I grew to really love bottle feeding though. Really. If you want the ins-and-outs of formula, I'm pretty familiar.
One of my favorite things was Brad getting to feed the boys too. And buying cool bottles. It looks like you feel the same. :)
Hope you feel better soon...
hope your boobs are back to good soon! i had mastitis twice with my second guy. good thing there are boob doctors out there.
and if it makes you feel any better, my debit card number was stolen and charged [4 times!]. i am waiting on a new one. such a pain these mean people are!
Was it the post I am thinking it was?? Who is this person?!? And what did the message say? And did they hire some PI to do the hacking? That is crazy and obsessive and a bit threatening.
I never had thrush, but I have heard the worst things about it! Hope your boobs are on the mend. There could be no worse part of the body to be hurting so much. xxo
I think I know the post that was deleted too - I thought it was strange you would delete it, which makes sense as you didn't!
So sorry you are having nursing issues! That is miserable. You won't regret having Quinn on the bottle so early though - I did with Adelaide and it saved my mental health!!
That is ridiculous about this person getting into your account. And immature.
I really enjoy your blog/recipes/photography/commentary. Agreed, I dislike private blogs because I never check them. I'm thinking of going back to public, since not as many people read ours as before going private.
Good luck with everything!
Umm yeah, that is beyond creepy. I wouldn't blame you for wanting to go private after that. It's so crazy to think that someone would even think to do such a thing, and it's even crazier to know that they actually can do it if they want to. It's all pretty disturbing.
um, what? i need a follow up email immediately, please.
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