Oct 5, 2010

Excuse me while I cry just a little bit.

Please compare this (taken yesterday, at 18 days) with this (taken at 7 days old).
Oh my gosh.


Katherine said...

He has grown so much! He is adorable.

Heidi said...

It doesn't slow down for at least a year. Craziness. And can I just say how much I love all these posts on Quinn and "seeing" you as a mom?

And the post below- weird! How did you find her replica?

k. said...

Heidi, Kylie's photog friend who had already seen Kylie's design saw the girl's blog post & told Kylie about it... So crazy, right?

Jennifer said...

They grow...it's a bummer.

Ryan said...

He is just too precious. By why oh why do they have to grow?! I hate it, but kind of love each new stage at the same time.

[eeny] said...

Wow, little Q is growing fast =)
And he is adorable.

Lindsey said...

i know how you feel. it is the saddest thing....

erin said...

wow, i'll say, growth spurt. in about five minutes you'll be making his first birthday cake.

Missy said...

It's crazy right? So fast. I can never get over how quickly they go from that to a talking/walking tiny person in 1 year.

Jeanne said...

Wow, that's amazing. These pics are some of my favorites. Hang in there -- you're doing great and he's thriving in this new life of his!