Oct 19, 2010

Half kidding.

Do you have the Talking Larry app on your iPhone? If you don't, you should, because it provides lots of silly & totally pointless fun.

Tara made this little video yesterday, maybe when things weren't so funny. I'm posting it fully realizing that my mother will likely threaten to hop on an airplane RIGHT. THIS. SECOND. to rescue me. 

But seriously. This is funny, & I'm not in need of rescuing. Just a nap.

Transcript (in case you can't understand Larry):

Quinn is not sleeping. He thinks he should be awake all the time. This is not good. This makes mommy mad. And she wants to do this... Just kidding!

Kind of true, sometimes, but not always.


Jan said...

You're right - First thought was "I'm out of here - Leaving, on a jet plane..don't know when I'll be back again....". But then I started to just laugh....How completely adorable!

molly said...

super funny and yes, a little true, ha ha ;)

erin said...

i audibly laughed. i don't usually do that when reading blogs. make more.