Oct 8, 2010

I'm indirectly + not specifically quite famous.

My sister Joanna called yesterday morning to tell me that I was indirectly famous. See, she was listening to Glenn Beck's radio program on her way to work in the morning & he was on what I assume was one of his usual rants about the problems in our society. He then proceeded to say that he knew of a young lady who recently delivered a baby, & whose roommate yelled at her infant son all night long, even going as far as calling him selfish.
Um. Yeah. That would be me
My sister quickly called me, knowing that it just couldn't have been a coincidence. I immediately called my father in law - who as it turns out - spoke in church recently & included the story about my fiasco in his talk. Glenn Beck = a Mormon = lives in New Canaan = attends the same ward as Mike's family. Funny, right? Go figure.
I finally got my swaddle back. I may or may not have had a little breakdown the other morning because Quinn kept busting out of his swaddle (the poor guy just wants his hands up by his face), & I felt like my inability to properly swaddle him meant that I was unfit to be a mother.
Clearly, post-pregnancy hormones make me completely rational. 
Yesterday was going really well. I was showered, dressed, wearing eyeliner & feeling good about life in general. And then, I got outside only to discover that I was still wearing my slippers. At least I had a shirt on, & didn't have a boob hanging out. It could have been worse, obviously. But still.
I wish I had four hands. I feel like I'd do my best blogging at 3am while I'm nursing Q, but I only have two, & sometimes he's high maintenance (what with his hiccups - which always make him quite unhappy, mid-feeding burps, general wiggles, etc.), so I can't. Anyway. I say this only because last night, I feel like I had really profound things I wanted to say, & now my brain is mush.
Oh - except that did you know regurgitated breast milk stings when it hits the eyes? I suppose it only makes sense that it would be acidic, but I just think it's kind of amazing that I actually know this first hand now.


ellen said...

It's a small Mormon blogging Glenn Beck world. :)

Katherine said...

I heard him tell the story, I was wondering if he was talking about you guys. Quinn is getting so big!

Kera said...

can i have your autograph?

Missy said...

He look so comfortable in his swaddle. It looks perfect! Both my girls love, loved their swaddles.

Jan said...

I'm sorry I laughed when I read about the milk hitting your eyes. These are the things that in your wildest imagination you would not have thought would possibly ever happen to you, yes? I'm so glad the swaddle is back. You can't let an 8 pounder get the best of you, right? Remember a certain person who told you about walking into Safeway with her blouse open and a bare breast exposed? It could always be worse. It's just what total exhaustion will do to you.

Mike said...

I think I tuned in to his TV show just in time to see him writing a giant "Q" on his chalkboard, while somehow frantically making a connection to the necessity of owning copious amounts of gold and seeds for the coming apocalypse

PS - I think we're ready for the next level... #1 in the eyes, or dare I say it, an ocular dose of projectile #2 (could have happened to me yesterday)