Oct 26, 2010

Quinn rode the subway.

I told Mike that Quinn went on his first subway ride today (at 1 month + 10 days old), & his first question was Did you take video?! FAIL. If it were Mike, we would have had video + commentary to mark the milestone. All I got was a silly self-portrait where you can't even tell we're on the subway (nor can you see Quinn). Oh well. 

So. We rode the subway! It was uneventful (mid-day), but I was still nervous. Quinn is small (although I cried last night because he's looking so grown up!). Subways are big.

We went shopping. Maybe I shouldn't do this anymore, because my post-baby body is very confused & it leaves me feeling frustrated. I'm within single digits of my pre-pregnancy weight but everything has been redistributed, & not to my liking. I don't appreciate the size of the boobs, my butt just looks slightly odd & my waist is squishy. I don't like squish. Sigh.

Friend Jill changed Q's diaper in a dressing room at Anthropologie. Good friends wipe your kids poop, I guess (although I think that's extra credit, really). She's moving this week, by the way. As in leaving the city for the west. I'm depressed about this friend casualty & don't really want to talk about it any more right now. 

Oh, Jill & Kelsey served as assistants when I had to feed Quinn in the middle of Rockefeller Center in the midst of our shopping. You know, with the the making sure I was decent + holding Q while I got situated + providing general moral support & patience. I needed a lot of help. Good friends help you breastfeed in public I guess, too. Who knew. This baby business really is complicated. I need assistants with me all the time, I think - especially when I'm in such a populated spot. 5th Avenue, Central Park, Rockefeller Center... I'm figuring it out though, as is Q.  

Jill & I walked up 5th Avenue from Rockefeller Center, passing by The Plaza Hotel. I noticed a number of press outside, only to see later on the news that Charlie Sheen trashed his hotel room there & was running the halls naked in a drug induced rampage this morning. Awesome. 

We grabbed a waffle from the cart on 60th. We walked home through the park. I love fall.


Jan said...

Good job! I love that you have assistants. That is pretty dang awesome!

erin said...
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erin said...

i recall that you once or thrice changed a fox diaper. a non-breast-fed-dirty-deuce diaper. you are a stellar friend, friend.

Jennifer said...

I want Jill's hair. Really. What a nice friend she is.

Jill said...

what a fun day! and i am happy to change q's diaper anytime. i'm pretty sure you have bathed wyatt as well as changed him. so you win the good friend award.

ps. i want another waffle.