Oct 9, 2010

Winding down.

Mike is really good with Quinn, & him coming home at night is probably the happiest part of my day. Among lots & lots & lots of other things lately, I appreciate the fact that I don't change many (any?) diapers when he's home at night or during the weekend. This is nice. Not that I mind changing diapers. I really don't. I'm actually pretty good at it these days (give me two wipes & 15 seconds & I'm good to go), but it's true that I do change a lot of them. The break is nice. The help is nice.

Last night, he came out into the living room at 3am (?!) & said he just wanted to hang out with us. I know he loves me, & it's been really kind of amazing to see how much he loves Q. He's smitten with him really, but still - I told him to go back to bed. No use both of us being exhausted.

Mike is sweet, & a good husband + friend to me, even if sometimes I see him looking at me like he's worrying that maybe I'm going to totally lose it. He loves me & he loves our son. We're lucky.


Jan said...

Having witnessed Mike's awesomeness when I was there, I second your appraisal of his care and love for you and little Q. We are all lucky to have him in our family, and his obvious devotion played a huge part in my calmness when I left you all to come home after my stay. You WILL lose it a few times, but he need not worry - It's all part of the transition...any mother will attest to that, for sure.

molly said...

such a sweet sweet family you have. i still love to watch my husband interact with our boys. there is just something special about a daddy.

and I completely agree, you will lose it sometimes. i still have my "breakdown moments" and my boys are 5 and almost 4. it happens. but you take a deep breath and realize life is not over. having a supportive partner is the best :)

Mike said...

Definitely pro-Q, and most certainly a fan of K. How could I not love a woman who loves her some double chin action!