Nov 13, 2010

The Chair.

From our Saturday.

And maybe I'll jump on the what I'm grateful for bandwagon by stating the obvious: I love this boy, & I am so pleased that I get to be his mother. The hard days are undeniably worth it, & the sleepless nights included in my gratitude - because the days where I've felt like a complete disaster have given me experience & made me a better mother, & those nights have given me some of the most precious moments with my son. I wouldn't trade any of it (except for maybe that one time when I discovered that Q had thrown up nice chunks down my shirt & between my girls - not a totally uncommon experience - several hours earlier. Lovely!).


Katherine said...

love this picture!

Kera said...

where is this picture taken? i love it.

Jeanne said...

This is the coolest picture!

emily said...

I think this is my favorite picture so far....precious.