Nov 12, 2010

Sunday Best.

Sometimes I feel like he's looking at me like Seriously, mom? Is this really the time? 

We went to church last weekend for the 2nd time & dressed Q up in his Sunday best.

Remember when I washed this outfit? And now, he's two months. I keep wondering if time has flown by or if it has been almost at a standstill, but nonetheless, here we are with a two month old baby boy in an outfit that was so carefully washed before we met him (& that I was silly enough to think would fit him for his trip home from the hospital - yeah right). 

Somewhat unrelated: Looking back in my baby archives, I realized I was only one day off guessing his due date. Maybe I just knew? Friend Emily hit it spot on, & Kelsey was a day off (but prior) just like me. And, maybe someday I should post the rest of the maternity photos we had taken? Maybe. They were fun. 

Remember when I used to blog about things other than being pregnant & having a new baby? 


Jill said...

i love that little outfit. i hope he gets to wear it a few more times. its so depressing how fast they grow!

jocelyn said...

that outfit is a really pretty color of blue. quinn is getting so chunky! he sure is cute.

emily said...

Why yes, I did guess correctly! He is such a CUTE little baby and I love reading your updates. It takes me back about 4.5 years ago with Madelyn....both the good and not so good memories!

Missy said...

How did I not comment on this one? I LOVE this color on him and are his eyes changing to GREEN??