Nov 17, 2010

Good as new.

Mike won one of the largest deals of his career last week, which is a wonderful thing. I'm proud of him for working so hard.

But me? I can get poo out of baby clothes! Yes I can. I'll count that as a big win, too.

We passed yet another milestone today, with Quinn's blowout (a first) going all the way up his back & to his neck. His Petit Lem jammies (my favorite source of pajamas, by the way) took a beating as a result. Two rounds of spot treatment + a nice several-hour soaking in Oxy Clean & they were as good as new. My mother should be proud.

I think it's fair to say that my standard of what counts as a major accomplishment has been a bit adjusted these past two months. My former life (which was before my stint as a lady of leisure) seems so very... former.


Kera said...

Jan would be proud. She once fished pj's out of their garbage can that is OUTSIDE (i had tossed those pj's due to a terrible explosion). She cleaned them right up and gave them to me before we left! Impressive.

Jan said...

I AM proud - Guilty as charged, by the way. Kera was sweet not to call me on it sooner. I'm not easily discouraged by poo anymore...It will eventually come out and....well I have a lot of Scotch blood running deep in my veins.

Missy said...

wait, is that the cute outfit he was wearing just posts below? if so I am GLAD you got it out. it is so cute.

k. said...

Kera, that story kills me & is SO my mother. :)

And Missy, different outfit. Same brand though (Petit Lem) & same color! I love those PJ's... so glad they weren't ruined.