Nov 2, 2010

Grandma & Grandpa came to New York.

And because blogging with one hand is tedious (the joys of multitasking while providing dinner for the wee one), commentary will be brief:
  • My parents arrived Friday evening - & left this afternoon. They came to see Q + his blessing at church.
  • We spent my birthday together! I'm happy to be 28. It was a nice day, & included nice phone calls from family & friends,  a walk through the UES (loved the decorations on the brownstones) & wanderings all over Central Park - including a Pumpkin Festival (where we found red noses) & the Wafels & Dinges truck (surprise). I also found the perfect little spot to breastfeed in the Plaza Hotel. Bonus. 
  • We went to our ward Halloween party that night. Quinn was a lion, & then he was a tired lion having a meltdown. 
  • Speaking of meltdowns. He now cries like a baby. And not a newborn. This kind of breaks my heart.
  • Mike & I went out for a date, alone (!!). Dinner at Mas (Farmhouse), & it was one of the best meals we've had in the city. Ever. No photos though. Definitely not that kind of place. Thank you to my parents for their babysitting services (+ all their help while here). 
  • Speaking of Mike. Did I ever tell you about the time when I walked into our room when Q was just a few days old & Mike was rocking him while singing Vampire Weekend (I think I did)? Right now he's singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. He's a good dad. And a good husband. 
  • I desperately, desperately need a haircut. Saturday. Can't wait. 
  • Having a baby means I accomplish very little & yet am extremely busy. I'm sorry I never answer my phone.


Katherine said...

Looks like you had a great time. How said Quinn lost his newborn cry, I will be so sad when Avery loses his. Love the lion costume.

Jennifer said...

Love the Fall photos. Mike looks like a pro with Q and the Bjorn. I don't know how I missed your birthday, but Happy Birthday my far away friend. I hope you had a great one.

And now you know why it takes me three days to return texts...:)

Melissa said...

Beautiful photos Kathryn!

Kera said...

You guys look like you're in an ingrid m video with the clown noses.

I love that the skeleton has the Met's admission tag on.

Missy said...

Sorry about the overboard commenting. Annoying, I'm sure.

But, I meant to comment on this one and how it makes me want to see NY in the Fall. Did I tell you that Boston already filled up? So even if I qualify I can't get in.

Soooo, I am going to try to do the lottery for NY. Maybe we'll be there next Fall to see this beauty?! You'll still be there right?