Nov 19, 2010


Mike pointed out that I always take photos of Q on Thursdays. I don't do it intentionally - & really, I think I take photos of him every day - but, yesterday marked 9 weeks old! We took some photos on the floor in the living room when there was some decent light.

Until I get around to posting them... 

I'm wearing these new leggings in this photo. Grey,  & a thicker, sweater-esque material that I love. I got them in the mail (Gap), tried them on, wore them for a day, & I immediately wanted to order three more pairs. But they're gone! Totally disappeared from Gap's site, & not in stores. Kind of makes me want to hunt them down, but it's probably not worth the effort. In the meantime, I found another great pair from Hue @ Anthropologie. Brown! I feel like brown leggings are hard to find. 

I used to think that leggings didn't count as real pants. I also used to mock booties + gladiator sandals. I could probably find & link posts from several years ago that would demand that I eat my words, but that requires too much time & energy, both of which are lacking today. But case in point: I own both of those types of shoes now, & I'm pretty certain that you can find me wearing leggings or legging jeans, oh, at least 5 days out of the week. It's fair to say that is most days. They're a step up from sweats, but are both comfortable enough that I'm happy down on the floor with Q during the day but also chic enough to wear out to dinner. And, my oddly-sized post-baby body is quite happy with their stretch, too. 


I don't really have anything more profound than leggings to talk about right now, except I guess for the fact that I really need more shows to TiVo thanks to all of my time spent on my couch with a boppy pillow + child. And, I guess I could talk about how most of my nutrition in the past 24 hours has been in the form of protein bars & pre natal vitamins (it's been a rough day). Suggestions? About the TiVo, not the food. I have cooked a few things this week - spiced pecans, yesterday afternoon. And, Maribeth's Chipotle Chili for dinner last night.  Oh. And Mike just said that he had never had chili & cornbread before meeting me. What!? One of my favorite fall / winter combinations, for sure. I love soup / stew / chili. We'll be eating it often in the next few months for sure. 


Unknown said...

the ones in the photo look really great. like sweater leggings? I've been wanting these:

I still can't figure out how to wear leggings though since they're so new to me. Maybe you should do a how-to post during one of the couch naps?

Lindsey said...

i now realise that any style i mock is one i will come around to wearing (and loving) in about 6 months - a year. ankle boots? yep, i'm looking for a pair right now.

Q really is so gorgeous. perfect little face!

k. said...

Those are cute, Kelli. I have a pair of sweats (?) from Anthropologie that kind of look like that - same color & a close fit, anyway.

And leggings are easy! Longer tops, that's it! Maybe a tunic belted at the waist? Or a long cardigan with something fitted underneath? A loose sweatshirt? I don't know! Just maybe not tight on bottom AND tight on top. That's about my only rule of thumb. :) Cute with flats or sneakers or boots or... See! No rules, really. :)

(Oh, & I typically wear mid-calf g's underneath... to avoid the line, + they're more comfortable)

molly said...

baby N has those gray pants too, baby gap, yes?
and where are your leggings from?

k. said...

Oh yes, Molly - we have several pairs in different colors. :)

My leggings are from Gap - sadly no longer sold (& I just bought them a few weeks ago!), at least for now. :(