Nov 19, 2010

This week.

I spend a lot of time feeding Q each day. Half an hour seven times a day? That's a lot of time. Thank goodness for the iPhone, because I have no idea what I'd do otherwise. So - I read the news. I read church things. I look at blogs (& get frustrated at what a pain it is to comment). I make lists. I look at my calendar. And lately - I go through the almost 1,000 photos I have taken on my phone, & then I play with the recent ones with one of the bagillion photography apps I have. 

And then I make collages like this.

Check out the lower left thigh chub. It's getting kind of ridiculous, but I love every inch. 

The top one of us? I'm pretty sure that was from a morning this week when I was holding very, very tightly to the end of my rope & he just wouldn't sleep. So when he finally did, I didn't budge. For over an hour, I just sat on the couch & let him sleep on my chest (we repeated that again this morning, but it was two hours this time). And his not-so-happy photo in the second row down? That's when I was a bit slow delivering lunch & he lost his composure. It kind of makes me laugh. I pulled out my big camera too, but then I decided I was just being mean. Oh - & the top row photo of him, close up? His eyelashes! I covet them. They're so long & beautiful, & really - I think his face is just absolutely perfect. 


Meg said...


Heidi said...

I love the chubby thigh. And that you let him sleep on you, very sweet. I think I did that with Max. Poor Sadie was confined to her bed for naps from day one.

So regarding your post below, I become a total tivo junkie when I have a newborn and am nursing all the time. I mostly tivo Food Network shows, but also random Bravo shows.

Unknown said...

He does have the perfect face! Is he liking his tub better?

Do you watch parenthood? It's one of my favorites. Others: modern family, private practice, next food network star, IRT deadliest roads, house, lie to me and occasionally whale wars and gangland (when brad chooses). Not all at once though...

Erin said...

So so darling.

mandy* said...

I totally get the "my baby is sleeping on me and I can't move a muscle for two hours" thing. I was addicted to Netflix on my Wii during that stage.

Jill said...

sleeping face toward bottom left. oooh. sweet sweet face. i hope he sleeps better soon for you.

k. said...

Heidi, how do you MAKE her sleep though?! We've been having him nap in his crib since the beginning too, but lately - he's just having a hard time (although he's currently napping in his crib right this very second).

Kelli, he's fine with the Puj - it's me that doesn't really love it. :) I think for it to work perfectly, you have to have a perfectly shaped sink - & how often does that work out? It works for us now, but it's just not my favorite. He's happy enough in it though, & relatively safe, so we're hanging on to it.

Ryan said...

His chubby thighs! I love. Davis was the same way. He is beautiful K. Would we expect anything less from you though?
Oh and I got D's little jammies from Target. They randomly have very cute, very cheap ($6) pj's. I think the brand is circo? Look online.

Heidi said...

O Kathryn I have no idea about the sleep thing. Max's sleeping habits as a newborn sound a lot like Q's. It was VERY frustrating. With Sadie, I felt a little more knowledgeable on sleep training so I was A)nazi about the swaddle, B)put her in the crib/bassinet to sleep from the day we got home from the hospital only because I was afraid if I held her to sleep she would become like Max had been. And it worked. She always falls right asleep in her bed. Anyway, regarding Q, you may have to let him cry it out in the future (if you aren't against that kind of thing, but I think recommended age is 3 months at the youngest) to let him know that he sleeps in his bed and that he actually has to take naps. I did that with Max and for a while he still took short naps (although he took them, and in his bed) but now he is a GREAT napper, so it all does work out in the end, but it's hard when they are tiny and you are needing them to nap (if for nothing else than to get a nap for yourself).

phew, longest comment I've ever made

Missy said...

that thigh is complete perfection. And yes his face is super super round and cute.

erin said...

the little tucked in lip, the sleep lip. tell me you catch him sometimes sucking in his sleep. i love that.

the thigh. my children would still put him under the table. although indie's rolls are melting! she's getting lanky! for a burton.