Dec 1, 2010

Eleven weeks.

One click of the shutter & this is what happened. Apparently my son is now afraid of my Canon. The first time I've seen him cry in reaction to something I've done vs. a delay in lunch delivery, etc. The alligator tears that flowed were epic. Sad.

It was basically this kind of day. Poor Quinn, poor Mama.


noelle said...

on the bright side, those are sweet pjs. love.

also, you are so beautiful in these thanksgiving pics. glowing, fresh and bright-eyed. can you send some of that gorgessity my way? por favor.

Missy said...

I do love the jammies too.

He's cute even when he cries, those cheeks!

(sipping chamomile with LOTS of honey per your suggestion - it makes it taste so much better)

Erin said...

oh, can I just hold him? Even when he is crying he is a doll. Don't worry about today, it will get better!! :) haha

I have to agree that you look glowing in those thanksgiving pics. You would never know you had a rough week.

mb said...

saaad! I was in an anthro in az last weekend and saw the donkey and thought of you and Q.

Where are you? we haven't seen eachother in ages.

Jill said...

oh my. i love this picture. and his jammies.

i just read through the past like 5 posts that i have missed. thanksgiving? christmas decorations? all the pictures? i can't take it. i miss you guys.

Jan said...

His first Christmas darling!! It's nice to know he's so in touch with his emotions.

Louise said...

I just cannot believe he is 11 weeks old already! Almost a trimester! Isn't it so unfair that it goes so much faster than pregnancy!!

He is darling - love his jammies!