Thanksgiving was spent with Mike's family in New Canaan. All of his siblings (sans Brian, currently in Honduras) were able to come home, with Dave & Dan getting to meet Quinn for the first time. These introductions were definitely the highlight of the trip. Quinn is at an age where he's really getting an opinion about who he is with & it was fun to see how much he already loves his uncles & aunt. Mike even taught Dan & Dave how to change a diaper which was kind of hilarious to watch (& reminds me of the day Dave spent with us in the city - around 5pm when I was changing Quinn's diaper, he said - You have to do that AGAIN? Yes, Dave. Over & over & over again, every day). Even if Q's wake time is basically just an hour - including his eating! - we were happy that they were all able to get acquainted, & it was fun for us to show him off. Cousins Maran & Dave (in our ward in the city now - yay!) came out as well, which was especially nice because Maran made the best Thanksgiving rolls I've ever had. Bless her heart. I'm sure I ate a half dozen before dinner even started.
I could talk about how perfect the week was, but really, it just wasn't. Sadly, Quinn apparently decided that he hates the suburbs & was basically up all night every night, & even went so far as refusing to nurse for a bit, obviously upset about something. It made for a really tiring few days for his parents & admittedly, it was not my favorite trip out of the city. We're happy that we got to see family (& I was super happy with Mike taking over just about every single diaper changing - I love having him around), but Q & I were both a little relieved to be home, where luckily he quickly returned to his happy, mostly-rested self. Phew.
(Side note: It was funny when Dan said that he didn't think that Q ever cried, based on the photos I post. Obviously, he's a 10 week old baby, so this isn't the case - & I've got a spirited boy who wears his emotions on his sleeve just like his mama. He definitely has a voice, & uses it often. I just love smiling photos more than screaming ones.)
We cooked a few things this year. My family's Thanksgiving Salad that we always love. I made another batch of Spiced Pecans that disappeared in a few hours. Kelsey's Italian Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms (that I assigned Dave to make). Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. Mike's sweet potatoes. Crepes on Thanksgiving morning. That's about all I could muster.
(I went through & added captions & then deleted them. Captions always end up feeling cheesy. Photos tell the story enough, I suppose.)

I love the picture of you, Mike and Quinn, and all the ones of you and Quinn. You are a beautiful mother inside and out. And he is a darling 10 week old!!
(ps. did you and Jeanne co-ordinate colours?!)
Kathryn you look so pretty! I would never guess you aren't getting a full night's rest each night.
THAT HAT!? incredible. THE MINI PLAID FLANNEL?! again, incredible...
I love the diaper training picture. Someday they will thank you, I think... Darling family, all of you. (& I second Heidi, you look radiant.)
You are so beautiful Kathryn! Little Quinn is such a cutie!! I love all your pictures!
You are so lucky to have loads of amazing pictures of all of you. That happens about once a year for us. (Q's booties are my favorite part. And your pullover looks great-- I've been searching for something just like it to replace an old favorite.)
My boys do horribly in new homes too. We've had to leave many vacations early! I call it being "passionate." They feel deeply. I'm sure it will become useful at some point..
Could you be any more beautiful? The coordinating family photo is my favorite. And Q's hat? Looove it.
I think travel changes with kids, period. Regardless of what personality your baby has. And Q sounds exactly like every 10 week old...getting used to a routine.
The top photos of you and Q in the loungewear are my favorite. That one with his double (triple?) chin makes me want to snuggle him:)
geez k, lack of sleep looks very, very good on you. i love your little boy. the diaper picture looks like brain surgery... may be just as complicated.
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