Dec 26, 2010

Fourteen Weeks.

The camera I've used for the past few years doesn't have a flash, & even though I've been mostly-perfectly-happy without, an external flash has been on my wish list for a bit. Mike was sweet enough to gift me one this Christmas (which, for the record, I have no clue how to use). Q's eyes are pretty telling in terms of how he feels about it. Every time it fires, he gets a look that says, Whoa. What was that?

We're traveling back home to New York tomorrow morning, pending disastrous post-blizzard conditions. Fingers are crossed that we'll be able to get out, although getting to stay & play with Tara wouldn't be so bad, either.


Kera said...

that b&w looks amazing. quinn is super cute as well. lots of camera stuff is on our wish list this year, including a new camera :)

Mandy said...

One word: adorable!

Jill said...

His eyes are amazing.

Missy said...

Lashes! A 14 week old has enviable lashes.

Cute Q.