Dec 4, 2010

On this day.

A rushed attempt by Mike to capture the pout (before the tears)

It needs to be recorded that Quinn in one day has officially learned + mastered the pouty lower lip face. He used it several times today. It's amazing. Look at that lip!

This morning as I was getting ready to go to a friend's baby shower, I noticed him tracking me going back & forth as I moved across the room. He was in Mike's lap, but his eyes were following me. All of a sudden, his lip stuck way out & began to tremble, & then the tears came. He wanted his mama! I knew it! I swooped him up, gave him a hug, told him I loved him, & not-so-secretly felt giddy inside because this little boy loves me, & was showing a preference for me (I tease Mike that he's just the nice guy who shows up for bath time - but Q really does love his dad, too). Anyway - this love + his affection is a happy thing, especially after Q & I have had to have some tough conversations this week regarding his daytime sleeping habits (& we've been, um, practicing being better, which is a little bit painful for both of us). But I can report this - progress! Every day. Every week. With many, many thanks going out to my friends + family that answer my endless phone calls & questions every day. We'd be lost without you, & I'm certain I've never felt more supported & loved.


Jan said...

That is SO dang cute! how is it that little babies learn that universal expression on their own?

molly said...

My middle child did the potty lip. It's so completely cute! I'm looking forward to the smiles and recognition. We are at week five, the peak of fussiness. Let's just say sleep is something I daydream about, ha. Q is gonna be a heartbreaker ;)

Melissa said...

oh thats gotta be the cutest pouty face! Love it!! :)

Tara Edwards said...

Ellie sometimes still does that....

Just saying.