Joanna took this in Times Square today. It was SO. COLD. Seriously. Like, cold enough that I was feeling guilt & went to Baby Gap & bought Q a (really cute) new little outfit that was extra warm to put under his bear suit.
People keep talking to me about his bear suit, by the way. On the subway today, a man who looked like an 80's gangster kept saying God bless you! & talking about how beautiful new babies are. And then a man nearby told us congratulations, & about how he just sent his child off to college & then medical school, & how it all goes by so quickly.
And Joanna! She's here, with Nate, & we're having a really great time, especially because with all of these friendly baby-loving New Yorkers, Nate now realizes that he isn't at risk of getting mugged at every corner. Q thinks they're great, they're easy apartment-guests, & we've done lots of fun things already - including lots of walking & eating, of course.
Randomly: Do you use Instagram? You should! Follow me (kathrynwhiting), & let's be photo friends. It's like Twitter. I think. I don't tweet, but if I photo-tweeted, I think it would be Instagram, right? It's a clever little app, although it's perhaps a bit silly that Joanna & I were running around the city today with our gigantic cameras & then taking photos with our iPhones. Oh well.
Did I mention that Q & I are on round 2 of thrush? Probably not, because I was too busy trying not to scream in pain every 3 hours, or I was at the pediatrician trying to hold my (sometimes sharp) tongue with a condescending doctor (who was on call for Q's doctor, who I love) who kept talking to me like I was an idiot, or maybe because I was standing in line at the pharmacy for the thousandth time because every time I go it seems to take 45 minutes. Anyway. Round two (!!). I love breastfeeding, & I love my excess-yeast-producing son, but seriously. Again?! I'm quite certain I'm deserving of some sort of reward.
Oh. Quinn. 12 pounds, 14 ounces @ 12 weeks. !!
another round of thrush?!! Nooooo! That is so painful kathryn. I hope it's over very very soon. I should do the instagram thing. i'll look at my phone and try to figure it out. :)
That picture looks straight out of a magazine.
I've never had thrush but did have mastitis and any pain in that area I don't tolerate. I hope those issues are over for good now.
You are too cute for it to even be fair. No fair.
pretty sure i've got thrush right now too. indie's bottom is scorching, and something ain't right with my boobs. and basically my whole digestive tract is a shiz-show, literally. did i tell you the latest? i swear i have pancreatic cancer.
if I were you I would blow this photo up.
are you feeling better by now?? fingers crossed.
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