Dec 13, 2010

My son.

His eyes are grey, leaning towards green.

He's obsessed with his hand. His right hand, in particular. I'm sure it will be another fantastic discovery (!!) once he figures out that he has another one.

He napped for 2 1/2 hours this afternoon & I got approximately one zillion things done. Except for going through all of the photos from Joanna & Nate's visit. I'll do that tomorrow.

Mike is in San Francisco, so it's just the two of us for a bit.

We had a nice day.


Erin said...

Oh good! Does that mean the thrush has cleared? Yuck. I have been meaning to text you, but that obviously hasn't happened! :)

Kellie said...


You need to teach me about the iphone app you used for that photo.

Missy said...

I liked this picture most the other day. He pretty much looks like your boy twin.

2.5 hour nap? love those.