Jan 10, 2011

We survived round #2.

Happier times, pre-doctor's appointment this afternoon. 

I say we, because I think that immunizations are almost as hard on the mother as they are on the baby. But we made it. And I really, really love my pediatrician who spent almost 40 minutes with us. Unheard of.

Four month stats put Q at 13 lbs. 12 oz., & 25 inches tall. So - he's a chubby yet relatively small boy, staying in the 25-30% range that he's been in since birth (although he's almost at 50th percentile for height, with no thanks to my genes).


Scott and Elly said...

He is so adorable! I am glad you survived the shots. I hate them too! O's 4 month shots are tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.

noelle said...

Handsome boy... And also looking quite well-rested. Bravo, q! Growing up is good.

Missy said...

I still sort of get nervous for the shots. It is so stressful to me.