Jan 13, 2011


Apparently, two things happen when we have travel scheduled: It blizzards, & Q decides that he'd like to store up all of his poo for the airplane. This being said, we moved our flight from yesterday to today, & he finally released all sorts of bodily fluids in a massive flurry this morning. From both ends. Simultaneously! Amazing.

Remember when I used to blog about New York City, fabulous restaurants, & other exciting things?

Yeah. It's basically just about Quinn now. And sometimes it's just about his poo.

(Other exciting happenings this week: I was sick, probably slightly depressed, drank some yummy hot chocolate & put Quinn in the Ergo for the first time! I feel better now.)

To the airport! Wish me luck! We're in Utah for the next few days, & then I fly home solo next week. Although I suppose solo has an entirely new meaning now. Meaning, with Quinn. 


Mandy said...

Ergo = my best friend.

K said...

please share your favorite iphone photo apps or general apps? i am the proud mama of a 4 week old baby girl and a 4 hour old iphone.