Feb 21, 2011

He's a good dad.

From Saturday, I think. Perfectly imperfect & sweet photos of these two. It was sunset, & a little dark, so my aperture was wide open. Mike is a little blurry as a result, but perfectly imperfect. It's okay. 

It's funny being a new parent, for a lot of reasons. It's a curious thing to see how a baby changes the dynamic of a marriage & relationship, too. You learn a lot about yourself & your spouse after you create a human being together & then have to co-parent. 

There are a lot of things about myself that I know I could maybe adjust a little bit. I'm opinionated. I can be bossy. I think that I'm mostly always right, & that I know how to do things best - especially when it comes to parenting our son (because I've read ALL of the books, of course). My filter maybe doesn't always quite filter everything that it should (but I like being honest!). I'm really, really neat - sometimes to a slightly-crazy fault. I get anxious. 

Like I said. Adjustments. I'm working on a few things. 

But Mike. He's generally just cool as a cucumber, like the day when Quinn was born. I was a crying, screaming disaster, totally terrified & sure that I was facing an imminent death. On the other hand, I don't even remember Mike looking scared, if only a little worried. He was a calm & steady.

So today, Quinn had a fever. And was generally just sad & not himself (teething?). He screamed the kind of scream that I hadn't heard since those first weeks as a newborn, with big alligator tears accompanying shrill & piercing screams. Like I said, sad. Anyway, we'd had just a few times in his first weeks of life where he'd cry & cry, & I'd be home alone, helpless & generally kind of terrified because I just didn't know what to do. So today, when I heard that cry again, all of those feelings came zooming back & tears immediately stung my eyes, but I quickly remembered - I know what to do now. So a few minutes later, Q calmed down (the boy loves his swaddle, & oh my goodness was he tired), finally went to sleep, & his fever eventually broke. 

And Mike? Once again, he was calm & quietly helpful & generally just tried to stay out of my way as I insisted on taking charge. And of course brought humor when he said something along the lines of, We could sell him! He's so cute I'm sure we'd get a to of money for him.

I'm half proud / half scared that Q has gotten some of the fire that I have in my personality. I think it will (can?) serve him well - that's the proud part - but he'll be lucky if his Dad's personality rubs off on him, too.   


noelle said...

if we're being honest here, bruce is a better mom than me. dads just have that certain something... maybe kind of like the difference between being the president and the counselor of child-rearing in the home. mom being president, of course, and dad being the helping hand. it's much less stressful to be the counselor, generally speaking.

Jill said...

way to go mike. what a good dad you are.

Missy said...

you make me laugh kathryn.

and I really love the colors in these photos. and the bond between M & Q evident in them.

k. said...
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