I forgot what this is called, & I'm too lazy to find it on The Met's site, but it was fun + made us dizzy.
I always tell Mike that my life feels a little bit like groundhog day. I've said this before, right? Monday through Friday give me an almost identical daily routine, with only small variations sometimes breaking up the predictable sequence of events throughout the day. But Saturdays! Saturdays are the day that Mike is home. Just the variation of having another person around is enough to make both of us giddy! Quinn loves it & I love it. Saturdays are a good day. I get a little bit of a break, & we get to do things together. It makes all the difference.
We had a little tease of spring last week (lovely!) followed by bone-chilling wind & cold again. Figures. 20˚ with 40mph winds is always a terrible combination. But, fresh air does wonders, & staying inside all day is depressing, so we got out on Saturday. Lunch at Shake Shack (thin mint custard - everything I hoped & dreamed it would be), followed by wandering around The Met. It kept us out of the cold & also out of the apartment. We walked through Between Here & There: Passages in Contemporary Photography (mildly interesting), & browsed through a few other areas that we like. Quinn mostly napped. He's been to The Met a dozen times by now, I think & was generally unimpressed, & frustrated that he couldn't chew on anything outside of his stroller. We stopped by Lady M for some hot chocolate (my new favorite, I think), ran a few errands & made our way back home.
The rest of our afternoon was spent doing some of those things that I want to do but can't seem to find the time to do. Like vacuuming every single inch of our apartment (which admittedly isn't very many inches) - using all of the attachments. There's something really refreshing & wonderful about knowing that all of the corners of our home are totally clean, as is under the couch & behind the desk. Putting clean sheets on our bed! I did that too, even though I HATE making a new bed, which is a travesty since clean sheets are one of my very favorite things. However, doing six loads of laundry is not, & I did that as well. We took a rain check on our planned Saturday night out because we couldn't get the reservation we wanted - & despite our +1 to our couple status now, & more nights in than out, we're still foodies at heart & aren't going to waste a precious date night going to a place that we're not really excited about. So, we ordered sushi from our favorite place instead, watched a movie (Waiting for Superman - interesting + incredibly frustrating), & that was just fine by us.
Church on Sunday. The same song & dance of rushing to get out the door, lots of bouncing trying to get Quinn to sleep in the Ergo, & hanging out in the mother's lounge. Friends Suzi & Steve blessed Baby Ben, & that was sweet. We love our friends.
Monday night gave us our first night out together - just the two of us - in weeks. It was really, really nice to be out with Mike, especially since our day together had been a little miserable (think a sick /+ potentially teething baby, & an incident that questioned my ability to be a mother in the first place - definitely not my favorite day, & our worst in many months). We went to dinner at Market Table in the West Village, where after a few deep breaths, we talked about mostly adult things, & never once about baby poo. I had two diet Cokes, & we shared enough food to feed a small family (I still feel starving about 98% of my day - nursing will do that, I suppose). We took our time, shared two desserts & were reminded that we do in fact find each other really interesting. Everything was just amazing & it further convinced us that nights out are necessary. As Mike said, babysitters are less expensive than marriage counseling. Nice friends who will swap with you are even better. Thanks, Amy.
Your date sounds fun. I like what Mike said about babysitters. I firmly believe it is so necessary to go out with my husband.
That top meal looks really delicious right now.
Looks like a fun date. Dates are important! Reminds me that we're getting a Shake Shack in Wesport -- something to look forward to on your next visit!
Love your new heart necklace (or maybe it's not new). So pretty. I'm sorry you had a rough day the other day. However, you should never ever question your ability to be a mother (even though I do all the time). Ever! He is lucky to have you.
A date! I'm so happy for you. I would like to go on one of those some day. Quinn is adorable, as usual. Love the shirt. And that picture of shake shack makes me hungry. Again. I want that mint concoction.
Your welcome! (love the babysitting swap idea)
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