This is above our bed. Simple, simple. But it's finally finished! After eight or so month of living in this apartment, with these frames being hung but mostly-empty. I had the print done of us pre-baby because I wanted to remember when our family consisted of just Mike & me. Five plus years of really great time together.
Anyway - I finally put photos in the other frames on our bedroom wall the other week. Two of when Q was just a few days old. And I will repeat one of the more cliché phrases found amongst new parents: We just can't imagine our life without him. We can't! Seriously. I mean it! I mean, mostly. I have vague memories of sleeping in, staying out past 6:30pm & sprinting in & out of subways, cabs & buses with ease. But we love him! We love our family. We loved it when we were two, & now that we're three we love it in a brand new way. It's fun. Really.
I feel like it's important to point out that we didn't have a baby because we felt like we were missing something. It's not like there was this big gaping hole in our relationship. So to say that he makes our family feel more whole or more complete maybe wouldn't be entirely accurate. But happier? In a richer kind of way? Absolutely. I've think it's fair to say that I've learned a new kind of happiness.
Seriously though, our Quinn is just awesome. I was giving him a bath last night & singing him a mashup of Justin Bieber + various children's songs (I tend to sing whatever random songs to him all day long, & Justin Bieber was on Ellen yesterday; & 5 minutes ago it was Santa Clause is Comin' To Town!). He sat there & just laughed & laughed & laughed at me while he eyes sparkled so much that it looked like fireworks were going off. I've seriously never seen a happier person in my entire life, nor has Q ever laughed that hard before. It was so amazing that almost cried tears of pure happiness. I opted for laughing along with him instead, because I just couldn't help it. And then this morning - he turned into an acrobat! He rolled! Four times! Back & forth, back & forth. This isn't an entirely new skill, as he's rolled before, starting when he was fairly young - but he had taken a break for the past several weeks & apparently stored up all of his rolling energy. It's his new favorite trick, & all he has wanted to do today.
i have a very similar frame as your yellow one, hanging on our living room wall, except ours is a rectangle. anthro?
Kerabaugh (Mike & I still call you Kera Baugh - isn't that funny?? But his sister is Cara...): Yup. Anthropoloie. Like a year ago, maybe, almost?
& don't judge my crooked white frame, oops...
I think Quinn really is one of the happiest babies I've seen. And he does have such sparkly eyes. I can't believe he is rolling! He is he so big? I think that was one of the biggest surprises for me as a mom, just how quickly they learn everything. I thought they would stay babyish much longer than they do...
It took Jane a solid 5 months to roll. You've got a mover! Brad & I were talking on Saturday how having a child entirely changes your family dynamic, we were happy before, but the joy that comes from having Jane in our lives is above & beyond. We're so glad to have her.
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