I have absolutely no problem admitting that I didn't even know who was playing the weekend going into the Superbowl. The (tennis) US Open? That's really interesting to me. The Superbowl? Not so much.
But friends! And food! I'll take it. We got together last minute with a few friends at our apartment & had a fun time watching (or not watching) the game. I'm trying to get back into the habit of cooking more often & having a reason to try something new is always welcome. I made a giant batch of football-watching-appropriate Pioneer Woman's nachos with flank steak (+ homemade guacamole to pile on top, of course) & - per usual - she did not disappoint. I love that woman, & anything that contains large amounts of cilantro.
I'm making a goal of being a bit more organized about my cooking. Instead of going to the grocery store several times a week, or opting for something frozen or ordered because I didn't have my act together early enough, I'm trying to plan & prepare a bit more ahead (while accepting the fact that I don't always have the kind of day where I can come up with an idea & shop for dinner). I'm keeping a folder of printed recipes I'd like to try soon clipped onto the side of my fridge, with a sticky note on top with a list of a) the meals that we have all of the ingredients for to make & b) all of the yummy, quick & fresh snack options I should take advantage of during the day. This saves me time, keeps me fairly organized, & helps us to not waste food (e.g. forgetting about the Costco sized container of plums that we have in the back of our fridge, oops).
I tend to find favorite recipes & then hang on to them tightly for a few weeks, making them several times before finally letting go & moving on to something else. That's kind of the case this week, with a few things fresh & new thrown in for good measure. On our menu: Fresh artisan bread (the quick-bake loaves from Trader Joe's) - broiled open-face with pesto, fresh mozzarella, tomatoes & basil. Sweet potato & beet salad. Trader Joe's fresh butternut squash ravioli (my new obsession) with olive oil & fresh parmesan. Spicy Shrimp Curry with Coconut Milk & Apple. City Bakery's Macaroni & Cheese. Greek Stuffed Peppers.
I also have a gigantic bag of clementines that are screaming to be eaten, enough hummus to feed a small army of vegetarians & a dozen or so containers of yogurt. And eggs! I need to eat eggs more often (although Suzi taught me about the organic packs at Costco that basically never expire - they must be miracle eggs).
Wish me luck! If I eat another protein bar this week, I might throw up.
(And - if you have a favorite new recipe, please share. Thanks, friends.)
soda, nachos and cupcakes. one of the many reasons why we're friends.
thanks for reminding me--i need to try that curry recipe.
i want those nachos. right. now.
and that menu looks pretty delightful as well.
oh, and definitely add balsamic vinegar to that bruchetta! its one of my favs.
bought the butternut squash ravioli again. so tasty!
my meals and shopping and grocery budget is always more organized when I take the time to plan it out.
I made this tonight. Yummy!
Chicken Piccata
Approx. 20 chicken tenders
2 eggs, beaten
Bread crumb mixture:
1 C. Italian bread crumbs
1 C. grated Parmesan cheese
parsley flakes, finely chopped
garlic salt (sprinkle a little)
salt and pepper (sprinkle a little)
1 C. half and half
1 stick butter, softened
juice of 2 lemons
**Sauce can be mixed in blender to make smoother.
optional: capers, mix 1/2 jar into sauce after blending 3 above ingred.
Dip tenders in egg then coat well with crumb mixture. Brown in hot pan with melted butter. Do not cook through--just enough for each side to be a little crispy. Place in baking dish. Bake at 350 for 15-20 min. Pour sauce over chicken and cook another 10 min.
Everyone I serve this to loves it. I have an abundance of home grown lemons so I'm always looking for recipes to use them in. Do you love lemons too? I have a couple more good recipes to use them in if you'd like.
mark111 at juno dot com
I have already revealed myslef as a lurker for what I have learned from you, so I might as well share something in return! I live in the southwest (Tucson) which means we are surrounded by mexican food, good mexican food. So that genre always seems to be on my mind, even when cooking at home. Somehting we have loved lately that is oh so simple, are fish tacos. I will buy tilapia filets in the frozen section at Trader Joe's (Shrimp would be tasty too), and when it is fish taco night just put a filet in the oven to cook (avoiding yucky fish smell in our house) while I whip up the toppings. (I love the idea of an all in one meal, meat and veggie all rolled into one, very efficient) My favorite topping is an avocado/corn/cilantro/lime kind of salsa. THe recipe is not a science, just add what you like. I will usually dice one avocado, add a big handful of chopped cinlantro, the juice of a lime, and maybe a cup of corn kernals, canned or frozen, mix and voila. (Thaw the corn first) I have even added black beans to my mix, or a diced tomato. Flake the fish, add to a tortilla, and top with the veggie goodness. If I have sour cream around I will sometimes add maybe a tablesppon of sourcream to a tablespoon of salsa to spread on the tortilla, kind of a roumelaide. See, so many ways to dress them up. We love fish taco night, and I hope you will too!
Should have spell checked before posting, oops!
I love those little thighs! He is such a doll :)
I tried this the other day, it was pretty good.
sweet potato salad!! I have not made that since the spring!! We should do that recipe exchange thingy again sometime someday.
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