The funny thing is that Q used to hate bath time. For his first several weeks of life, he'd scream & cry every single night.
Now - he splashes & plays, & clearly has a fantastic time. His modesty is courtesy of his bath sponge that friend Amy recommended to us. A bath time favorite.
|| anyway... ||
We're installing a doorbell on this little Internet home of ours, for a number of fairly non-dramatic yet perfectly sensible reasons.
As much as I loathe the (relative) inconvenience of private blogs & love my google reader, we're thinking that our blog home shouldn't be easier to get into than our apartment home. But really - It's not that bad. Just a quick stop by the doorman's desk & he'll zoom you up our elevator lickity split.
Leave a comment (+ email if I don't have it) if you'd like to be able to drop by & say hello.
I'd like to get an invite. patton_ellen@hotmail.com
Boo! However, I completely understand.
Although I don't know you--- I found your blog about nyc so helpful for my recent trip to new york city- shake shack and city bakery hot chocolate are to DIE FOR.
Hello, I’m a friend of Missy Heid, and I occasionally link over to your blog from hers. I have a son a few weeks older than your cute boy…love seeing his great outfits and all the fantastic baby products/toys/gear you know about. Plus I have a major crush on New York. I’d love to keep checking in, if it’s not too weird… lwhitaker63 at gmail dot com
I was at the UES shake shack yesterday for lunch and thought "I wonder if I'll see Kathryn!" :)
I can't tell you how many times I've had this converstation - to have a private or not private blog. It's a tough call. I'd love to still read your blog but I know you'll have lots of requests so no worries if there's not room.
Oh my gosh...so sad to hear this (but completely understandable)! I would love to be included as your blog is one of my faves!
I would love an invite.
If there is room, I'd love to keep checking out you blogg. Liza@reklamutveckling.se Fully understand your decission though!
Hi! I don't know you personally but love your writing! I'd love to keep reading if you'll let me. :) jkconley313@gmail.com.
hi! we've never met, but we have some mutual friends (jill skousen, corinne monson. i think they moved from your ward to mine :) i love reading your blog. if you don't mind, i'd love to keep reading your blog. thanks!
I love to read your blog!!
Good for you. I support this.
Me please! I think you have my email.
Love to keep reading!
I can totally understand it as you are posting a lot of personal things.
Oh and by the way, Q is so adorable... seeing his pictures always makes me smile.
keep me in too! :)
I would love an invite...
I totally understand. I also found you by doing a search for NYC recommendations and would love to keep up with you and your adorable family.
Heather in Los Angeles
Me me me!
I'd like to be admitted :)
And Q is completely adorable!
of course add me to the list. So I can legally blog stalk you.
It goes without saying....
We read all the way from the slc.
Sign me up!
Hey, Kathryn! Sister Young would love to keep up with you cute kids. It makes me happy to see happy people with happy babies that are the same age as my kids/grandkids. You should hop over to Rachel (Condon) and Dave's blog. They are in Erie, PA.
I would love an invite but I understand if there isn't room. I know Dan and Caitlin Creer and that's how I found your blog. I've been reading for years and my son is just a few weeks older than Q and I used to live in the city. This is one of my favorite blogs. Thanks for letting us follow along in your life!
Me, too.
I don't know you either, but I love your blog and recommend it to people who are visiting the city.. I would love an invite. Also, so you don't think I am a total creep, I know a few of your friends from Utah and their blogs lead me to yours.
i can't remember how i found your blog... but i love it. please let this stranger continue reading :)
Knock Knock! Lemme in. I'll bring brownies when I visit. (Except that you're there and I'm here, so I'll be the one who gets to eat them but it's the thought, right?)
oops, email (since it's not the one we use)
megclaffey @ gmail dot com
I'm applying for a spot. Wouldn't want to be left out for the world!
Please include me if you have room!
I am Lauren Brutsch's friend from kindergarten & have LOVED reading your blog for the past 2 years! I also have copied you on your style [i.e., the pillow on your bed from an etsy website that you gave me!].
Thank you!
Hey! I'd like an invite. roxydawn387@hotmail.com
Love your blog :-)
lbchaffin@comcast.net & lbchaffin@gmail.com
Didn't check if Mandy said yes yet but both of us love your blog.
So yes please.
Taking the plunge!! I support it.
I'm going to go ahead and assume you have my email....
p.s. so far my favorite is the friend from KINDERGARTEN.
I would love to continue reading your blog... if you have room. I love your pretty blog.
I would love to continue to read, but I know that you can only add 100 readers so please don't feel obligated to add me.
I of course would love an invite if you have room. But Family and close friends first of course, since there is that darn limit. Booo! :)
I'm sad you're making it private, but it makes sense. If you have enough spots, I love reading your blog!
Please can the doorman let me up? I'll use my best British accent!!
I need to email you - it has been toooo long!
I'd love to keep reading about your life in the city!
I'd like to stalk you on your blog if it's okay. Count me in!!!
count us in please.
Can I come in? I'd love to keep reading your blog!
I would like to keep reading. I used to live in New Canaan and in the union square ward.
I love, love, love reading your blog and really hope I can continue! (I am a lover of NYC but reading your blog is as close as I'll ever get to living there.) I regret not commenting previous to this as now you have so many requests. Please email me for further explanation so that my request isn't disregarded:( I really hope the bellman lets me in! Thanks so much!!
mark111 at juno dot com
I really can't remember how I stumbled upon your blog, but I've saved it and loved seeing your family's journey! I'd love an invite if you have room: karennielson@gmail.com
This stuff is kinda random (and kinda weird as I realized when I started to think about it), but I'm pretty sure I found your blog because of the following connections:
I live part-time in NYC and search for restaurant recommendations all the time (loved Normas! and your to-do in NYC list). I'm Mormon. I went to Kindergarten-12th grade with Erin Burton's brother-in-law and I went to high school with Kelsey Nixon.
I'm obsessed with brownies and love your recipes. I've also been meaning to contact you to take some photos of my husband and I in the city. You can find me on fb if you want to make sure I'm not a creeper. :)
Hi Kathryn,
I dont know you but i love your writing and following your journey as a new mom in the city. (so different from suburban moms-- and as a woman living in DC, i find it refreshing!) I promise I'm not a weirdo but if its too creepy to have me reading your blog, I understand.
I would love to keep following along. heidijohahn@gmail.com
I would also like an invite, I am friends with a few of your SLC friends and found your blog through them. I love your writing and enjoy reading it, so if there is room...
Hi Kathryn! I would love to keep reading your blog!
You are so clever, buzz me right in!
add me! janneyk@hotmail.com
I am also an anonymous fan that stumbled across your blog one day by searching for advice about a trip to NYC. I have enjoyed reading about your lovely family and I have found your perspective as a young married Mormon woman to be extremely refreshing. I don't want to sound creepy or insincere but I have found your blog to be incredibly uplifting and inspirational. I totally understand if the point of "going private" is to keep out people like me but if possible I would love to be included.
- Sarah in DC
I think I would really like having a doorman- a good filter. I would love to keep reading.
yes, please! angiegirl62@gmail. thank you!
hi kathryn, you don't know me, but i think we'd be bffs. count me in. kthnx!!!!?!??@?@!??!?!??$??
Please include me!
62 comments? Whoa! Kathryn, I'm impressed! Please add me. cohenetje@yahoo.com
As I've said before, I love you blog!
I'd love to keep reading!
I am the father of your child. Please extend me an invitation at your earliest convenience.
PS - We've missed out on at least tens of dollars in banner ad earnings from all these lurkers.
Me!! you have my email:)
I'd love to keep reading! My email address is globetrecker1@hotmail.com
My email is rachelanne.williams@gmail.com
I love reading about your NYC adventures!
Rachel Anne
Um, yes...
I'd love to keep reading ... laurelhwalker at gmail dot com. Thanks!
I'm in too!
Love looking at your blog!
Haley Clarke
Hi! We don't know each other but I found your blog through a friend of a friend and love your take on life in NYC. If there's room I would love to continue reading. Thanks!
I adore your blog! I don't know you personally but I used to live in NY and I love reading your posts about it (and your sweet boy is so cute!). I'd love to be included, but I understand if you're keeping it family-only. (If you'd like to know a little about me, I have my own blog with an about page at kirstybleyl.com).
Another total stranger... I love your picture style they are amazing. I would love to be added if there is room. I love reading about your NYC adventures with the pictures to match.
I'd love to keep reading!
I found you through my friend Lindsey who is sisters to your friend Jill. I'd love an invite~ your photography is awesome!
junk 4 ashley @ yahoo . com
I'm yet another stranger here. I had an interior design roommate at USU, recognized Jill, ended up on your blog somehow.
As I prepare for baby #1, I have to tell you that I've referred back to your mass survey email/post several times. And sent it to friends. It's a gem.
deidrazoe at gmail dot com
Love reading up on your life and seeing your beautiful photography. Would love to keep reading. Angie H.
i had a feeling this might be coming after a post you recently wrote, I have loved following your pregnancy and life with a new baby. my first baby was born in December, it was great hearing the real deal from you. i am not going to delete you from my reader just in case you change your mind!
Holy sh**, you are popular. I love it.
Please invite me.
oh man! if it works.
Another lurker here coming out! I started reading your blog a couple of years ago when my husband and I had only recent moved to NYC. I always loved reading about your restaurant adventures and actually went to most of the restaurants you wrote about after reading your post. My husband always would ask me "Where did you hear about this place?" Kind of funny to try and explain from a girl I've never met but I read her blog :) I just wanted to let you know that I've thouroughly enjoyed reading the blog as you and your husband have expanded your family. We're just now planning to start our own expansion and I have loved reading your very real take on pregnacy and motherhood. Would love to keep on reading if you go private but totally understand if you only want close family and friends :)
PS One of my favorite recipes is the Cafe Rio Tacos which I found from you.
I'm a friend of a friend who loves reading about your NYC adventures and take on new motherhood. But I understand if you only want to include friends and family. missyadavis at gmail dot com
Found your blog months ago when looking for the best "locals" places for a trip to NYC, and I have been hooked ever since. Not only hooked with your recommendations of must eat and do's in your lovely city, but also hooked on your matter of factness about being a new mom, something I hope to add to my resume in the near future. I would love the chance to sneak a peak still!
Happy Weekend!
Do I count as a friend of Tara's? :0) I think your blog is darling!
I found your blog and love it.. I promise I'm not creepy :), you can look travis-katie.blogspot.com.
I found your blog through a friend and love reading about your experiences as a new mom and, of course, your beloved city. I lived in DC for a while and had a love affair with NYC while on the east coast and now being far, far away (Hawaii), I love reading about my long lost love. Plus reading about another new mom gives me comfort to know someone else is going through what I am experiencing! I would love to keep reading: genni27@hotmail.com
Hey Kathryn! I worked with you at McKinsey and, I confess, I've been lurking. You have the most adorable little boy and I would love to continue to read your blog, if that's okay. I totally understand if it's just for close friends and family though. tanya.york@gmail.com.
Have a great day!
Yes please!!!
But oh my goodness! You are running out of room so I totally understand if there's not enough for me.
Facebook is a 2nd rate back-up, I guess. :)
put me on the list please
Loving those cheeks!
Kathryn - when I lived in New York I felt that I had really arrived once I started living in an apartment that had a doorman. They're wonderful! Please count me in! emily.roberts6@gmail.com
I'd love to keep reading your blog too... melissamilewski@gmail.com
Hi Kathryn, I also live in NYC and I'm expecting my first baby in August. I love reading about your adventures in the city! My email is peterson.Candice@gmail.com. I'd love to keep reading!
You don't know me but Michael does...I am one of his Grow girl cousins! I had a baby girl just a week before your Q and I enjoy reading and seeing how our lives are so similar yet so different. I'd love to keep reading if you will let me.
your blog is awesome. I know Mike from BYU, he served his mission in my home country too.
your posts are always fun, your pictures amazing and your recipes are good too :)
I'm actually not sure how I stumbled onto your blog. I'm also LDS, live in Utah and I'm sure that I blog-hopped here from somebody else that I know, that knows you.
But I keep coming back for the photos. I love your photography and I hope that I can keep following it.
I like so many others adore your blog and don't even personally know you! Crazy! as my husband tells me! But I just wanted to thank you for letting me share in your writing. I don't blog, I am always impressed with those who are so good with words cause I'm not! You are really talented in both writing and photography. The blogging world will miss you i'm sure. But if you don't think I'm too crazy for reading than I would love to check in from time to time. It's nice to know that we "mothers" are not alone sometimes. Thanks again!
forgot the email!
I love your blog... your stories & photography! Hope I can still visit! namesmegan@yahoo.com
I'd love to be on the list!! I love your blog!!
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