He likes Arcade Fire apparently. We expose Q to quite the variety of music...
Quinn is just a wee one + a city baby, so the number of toys we have is quite limited. If we're not including soft friends, or his animal friends (on his play mat) he has four five* in total:
I think he could survive with just Mr. Whoozit though. He can chew on it, grab it, squeeze it so that it makes noise & shake it so it rattles.
He's a boy of simple needs! I didn't grow up with a ridiculous amount of toys either & I had a perfectly happy childhood. We're not toy snobs (just particular) & I'll never insist that everything he plays with is made out of organic tree bark, but I've made my opinions clear about not having baby garbage filling our tiny little apartment (with emphasis on the tiny little apartment bit) - & I'll continue to be unapologetic about this & our tastes - while obviously recognizing that kids like toys, duh. Thus far, we've been 97% successful, & I'm proud of the fun + modern + simple finds that we've discovered. This being said, our apartment was invaded over the weekend by a (borrowed) glaring plastic monstrosity of which I'm too ashamed to even post a photo of (rhymes with pump a boo). The colors would match Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles perfectly. The good news - Quinn loves it & it will give him something else to do during play time. The other good news - I don't own it, I don't have to store it, & I'll only have to look at it for a few months. Thank goodness for good friends who share. Mike asked if there was some sort non-offensive Scandinavian equivalent. I wish. But! I did just find something from Canada that I might pull the trigger on very shortly...
*I just got back from buying Quinn a new friend, Miss Sophie. Heaven help us, I think he's teething.
*I just got back from buying Quinn a new friend, Miss Sophie. Heaven help us, I think he's teething.
I also just borrowed a jumperoo because they are so huge and glaring and that way I only had to have it in my home for a few months. I have to say you may change your mind about how many toys you will allow in your home as Quinn gets older. Maybe not. And you can always control the quality of the toys and avoid plastic if that is what you wish. But kids like toys and puzzles and cars and such and Quinn will want that kind of thing in the not too distant future.
Q is so adorable - always makes me smile seeing his pictures. =)
lol. You must think my blog is SO annoying! haha. Ugly toys, ugly costumes, etc etc. I'm glad you still look!
Quinn continues to be a darling. And sitting alone? How is that possible?!!! His dimples are so sweet.
E! Your house is 346 times bigger than my apartment! Tons of space to play & throw things around!
(& your kids' costumes are cute. I just don't need like 38 sets of blocks, etc)
I've never heard of a whoozit. I feel so ... out of it with baby gear suddenly!
He looks like such a BABY now, like that perfect age where they will sit on your hip and hold on to the back of your arm (it's my favorite).
Missy, he's totally doing that! Holding onto my arm. I LOVE it. Makes me feel like he totally gets who I am.
And I think the Whoozit has been around for a while now. My oldest sister Tara had it for her babies (her oldest is 12). It's made by Manhattan Toy... I like their things.
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