Feb 18, 2011

Clearly thinking that he's quite grown up.

(And for the record, Q isn't as big as his cheeks suggest - consistently around the 25th - 30th percentile for weight & head size, although he's more average on the height spectrum.)


Unknown said...

His eyes!

I think this was my favorite milestone with Finn. Sitting like a tripod with pillows propped around him just in case. It's crazy watching another baby do these things though-- it seems like it's all going so quickly.

Ryan said...

Can not believe he is sitting up! I swear it was just yesterday that I was holding him all swaddled up. Kathryn, Let's be honest... Your pictures below, are amazing! Love every single one of them. I need a photography 101 class from you. I always love your work. You are truly gifted.

Mike said...

Esteemed Quinn,

Please refrain from evolving between the hours of 8 AM and 7 PM ET.

Kind regards,

Your Father

Missy said...

Sitting up is huge! He doesn't even look like he is going to topple. What a big boy!