Mar 9, 2011

Colorado 2011.

Colorado! We spent three nights at a slopeside condo in Breckenridge. The fresh air was good for the soul & the snow & mountains were oh-so-pretty. Quinn & I had other commitments (i.e. eating every three hours), so we skipped skiing this year, but stayed busy watching Haidyn at ski school, going on walks & meeting up with everyone for lunch. I pushed Q's stroller up the biggest hill of my life on afternoon & was quickly reminded the next morning that with a 6 month old baby, it's probably time to start working out again. Mike's brother Dan came up from Denver for a bit & was a big part of the reason why Quinn was so happy all weekend, with tons of attention from his uncles, aunt & cousins. The girls were so sweet to him, & I loved getting to talk with Haidyn & Reese - both getting so big, so fast (my favorite: When Haidyn said, Are you & Baby Quinn & your other friend going to come to our house?? - she was a little confused about who Mike was). We ate yummy takeout, Mike made his delicious french toast, we took advantage of the nearby outlet mall & Patrick & Mike went to the Banff Mountain Film Festival Saturday night (after Kera & I opted out at the last minute, a good idea since Quinn screamed for a solid hour with the poor babysitter we left him with while at dinner - he clearly loves his mama best). We stayed at Patrick & Kera's home in Colorado Springs our last night there & woke up early the next morning for our quick flight back to New York. It turns out Colorado isn't so far away.

I really love my brother & his family. There's this special happy feeling that comes from knowing that he  is happy & loved & that life has turned out well for him. He has the sweetest daughters, & I count myself lucky that he married the coolest girl. Sister-friends are amongst the best kind of friends, really. 

We had enough fun that we've promised to make it an annual tradition. Next year though - I'm skiing (I miss it). And the year after that - we'll get Quinn on skis - at 2 years old, just like I was.

Lots of photos.  

(Perhaps the most unflattering way to wear this jacket, but it kept Q toasty while out in the snow!)


Jill said...

Beautiful trip. Haidyn + Reese are so cute. I also love all the winter headgear.

Kera said...

this post was so sweet. i even teared up. thanks for all of the fun chats, make up advice, and good laughs! i'm very lucky to have the sister & brother in laws that i do.

quinn is cute.

Lindsay said...

These pictures are absolutely gorgeous. It looks like it was such an amazing trip!

Morgan said...

Beautiful pictures, as always. I'm glad to hear (and see) that you had a good trip:)

erin said...

ah. the pictures worked. they're pretty... are you putting some sort of filter on them? cos i dig. hudson grandchildren are really cute.

Meg said...

Beautiful pictures! Family time is so good for the soul. :)