Apr 27, 2011

The living room decor got a little brighter.

Quinn got a new jumparoo. It plays music. AND has flashing lights. He loves it. I'm a little devastated, but also fine with having it in our living room for the few more months that he'll likely use it, & then we'll sell it & life will be fine.

(I'm happy with the baby things I've purchased & should do a favorites post at some point, because there's nothing that we haven't used or haven't loved, really - & I don't have any baby junk. Sometimes it pays to be choosy & do your research, especially when you're living in a 700 square foot NYC apartment.)

Speaking of babysitters, we got one last night & went out with Tim & Amy. We talked about adult things, ate yummy food, wandered around neighborhoods that I haven't set foot in in months, remembered how much we love these two in the first place (in addition to enduring pregnancy & entering parenthood together) & then got a little depressed because they're moving in 8 weeks. Sad face. Moving on. But seriously. Has it already been three years since they moved here?! And 7 months since we had our boys?! And TEN YEARS SINCE I GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL? 

Speaking of Amy - & looking at the photos below - Q's shirt is from Phoenix & Nola. Amy sent me an email a few weeks ago that said This looks like Quinn's style! & I totally agreed. I love finding great basics (because Q has simple taste) in good colors + soft fabrics, & I'm so, so happy with that we ordered. I also kind of want to move to Brooklyn so we can hang out at their other endeavor, Play City.

Our marathon of visitors starts today. Elizabeth & Ryan will be here this afternoon & I cannot wait. My little toes better heal up a little bit faster though, because we're going to have so much fun... but some walking might be required.   


Tara Edwards said...

I think it's adorable, but does it have vertical things up above his head? I've never seen such a thing. Have fun with Elizabeth and Ryan! Jealous!

Unknown said...

You should have just borrowed ours, sitting forlornly in the storage unit. Good luck, toes.

Katherine said...

Avery has the same one. By far his favorite toy.

Missy said...

love the last photo most kathryn. his eyes sparkle when he smiles.

Amy said...

Just reading this now...8 weeks makes it sound so soon. I am putting a ban on discussing the move for the next 7 weeks. Boo. Glad we were able to FINALLY get out together.

erin said...

as far as baby crap goes, the jumperoo really was a good piece of equipment, and i'm glad you validated my selection by purchasing the same thing. and i'm glad quinn loves it, of course.